I realize that it was my carelessness that resulted in the loss of my cell phone. Putting my phone in the outside pocket of my really hip and cute, Fossil purse really wasn't a good idea.
I realize now that when I heard something fall during the movie that I should have worked a little harder looking around for what made that mysterious thud!
But in my defense, the floor of the movie theater is totally disgusting. A couple of gropes near my own feet was about all I could handle. Since my purse was zipped shut I really didn't think that the mysterious thud even came from me! So I went back to enjoying the movie.
It wasn't until about 30 minutes after the movie let out that the realizations of the mysterious thud came flying back at me like a ton of bricks! Sweet Niblets!
We came back to the theater to see if the phone had been turned in. It hadn't, and since another showing of Bolt was under way no one could go in a look for it!
The woman at customer service called for the usher who cleaned the Theater after our movie and I noticed that the teen wouldn't look me in the eye as I described my phone. He looked awfully guilty to me.
When they took down my information they had me write it on a piece of paper and the teen usher nervously scribbled the information on a separate piece of paper. That seemed really odd to me.
The next day they asked me to fill out the information in the lost and found log (why didn't they do that the day before??) Needless to say, the slip of paper I filled out was no where to be found! On a side note, it was kind of funny to see what people had lost in the various theaters!
Do you want to know worst thing about losing my cell phone is? It isn't the money or the fact I have to re-enter all those contacts. The worst thing is that if my daughter loses her phone I can hardly bitch at her for being careless. Reid even commented that I lost a cell phone before she did!!! Chalk one up for the Teenager!
So curses cell phone thief and cute purses! Ok, no curses on cute purses.......it wasn't the purses fault it has cute convenient outside pockets that beg for easy access items like cell phones and car keys!
Oh my Gosh! I hate when that happens!!!
I am sooo sorrry you lost your phone!
That totally sucks!!!
50 years ago... you could have gone to a lost and found, AND IT WOULD BE THERE!!!
You can still pull that one our of your hat for our daughter... Here goes.
"I pay the bill, I can throw it in the ocean if I want to... you can't lose your phone... period."
Harsh?? Yeah! I don't know any other way... I'm a Mama of three boys... rememba?
Yes, my friend... I changed it again. Get used to it. I usually change it every day... sometimes twice. It's free, and I bore easily.
Oh! and I didn't mean to give you
"parenting advice". I am the LAST one to give advice about that! LOL
So sorry! Can you let the cell company know, so that if anyone calls in to reprogram it, they'll catch it? (My understanding is that a Sprint phone can only be reprogrammed to a Sprint number, Verizon to Verizon, etc.)
Just a thought~
Ugh, I agree about not wanting to feel around on the floor of a movie theater! There is a reason they don't turn the lights up all the way even when the movie isn't playing.
I'm so sorry you lost your phone! It's a hassle AND you can't help but beat yourself up for loosing it.
that totally sucks! I say the usher did it, he totally did it!
I'm so sorry about the cell phone. It drives me nuts when I lose things. How was Bolt? I need to take my kids to see that.
Uh! That is the worst!
My hubby lost his Iphone at DISNEYLAND and by some miracle and employee found it and we got it back!
I hope it shows up...maybe whoever found it will get a conscience!
What a major bummer!!!
UGH! Sorry about your phone... maybe it will still turn up???
Movie guys kinda creep me out anyways!! HOpe it gets back to you. Love cute purses too..
Huge BUMMER!!!!!!! My son lost his phone in wal-mart for like 3 minutes before he remembered he'd set it down. He ran back and it was gone and his dad called it to see if they could hear it ring. The couldn't hear it ring but someone answered saying, "BUENO?" We were SOOOo mad. COuldn't find the creepy lady that stole it so we cancelled service immediately and had to buy a new phone. Grrr. I've lost mine once for good....the other time it fell out of my cart at sams club but someone turned it in, thankfully!
It would have been cool if you could have gone to a pay phone and dialed your cell and had it ring in the teen ushers pocket or something!
Hopefully whoever took it will get a disease from the sticky floor residue!
How was Bolt by the way? Worth seeing?
Thanks for visiting my blog and the freaky cool Christmas light photos did come directly from the camera...no Photoshop or touchup. We did have to take something like 69 photos until we got them all to come out right but that is the beauty of digital. To get those effects, he used low shutter speed or something. I don't know...he is the photographer..I just know that I loved how they came out!
It so stinks that you lost your phone. Usher sounds very guilty to me too.
omg- that's awful!!! i would be so lost!
i actually used puff paints that are like a buck a piece in the thsirt aisle of the craft store - i can't stop!!!
that is frustrating...but I have a surprise for you on my new post...
Oh, no. That's terrible. I like your curse word, though. Sweet niblets?
oh, my husband lost his phone last month too :o(
anyway, saw you in Jenners blogs. hope you can come by and share your thoughts and experiences on my blog.
ooops, your girls are really prettY!!! :o)
I would go into cardiac arrest if I lost my phone lol. My dad would never understand, he's had his for 8 years (Because he's a freak like that..seriously, they don't even make a model similar to that anymore!)
Dumb teen taking your phone, he probably pawned it.
Hope you get a good new one!
oh you poor thing!!!
my heart goes out to you...
i've never lost my cell phone ( i think it could be the death of me ) however i have BROKEN my cell phone before... and of COURSE we dont memorize our #'s, so yes I've had to refind them all and reenter them...
I hope you get a super sweet NEW cell phone and forever keep it INSIDE of your purse! :)
(I fully recommend the Blackberry Curve... i LOVE mine!)
Yikes, I did that before, dropped my phone in the theatre but I was lucky it was still there when I realized 5 min later. Was also lucky I realized where we were sitting because it was huge and the phone blended into the ground.
Sounds like the usher did it. Maybe you'll get a mysterious package in the mail with your phone in it.
My first instinct would be to call the number. Phone companies should not be allowed to reprogram phones without the owner's permission.
I always buy bags with outer pockets for phone and KEYS. YIKES!
Ugh!!! I'm sorry! At least you didn't flush it down the toilet on accident like my friend. :/
Oh, that totally sucks!
I think I'd cry if I lost my cell phone. I hope that it turns up, but considering the guilty looks that teenager was giving, I don't think it bodes well... :(
Oh, I LOVE Fossil purses! I have a major addiction to their cross body styles.
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