Feb 10, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Head over to Angie's place for more Wordful Wednesday posts!

This weekend I decided that I needed to do something that I absolutely hate to do. Well, hate is probably too strong of a word, but I seriously dislike this task and almost always avoid it.

So what dreaded deed did I perform? I read the manual that came with my camera!!

I like to tell myself that I am fairly camera savvy and I enjoy trying to figure out how to use my camera(s) without the aide of the silly manual. But I recently accidentally changed the focus point on my camera and I couldn't figure out how to get it back the way I liked it.

So on Saturday morning I grabbed the manual and gave it the once over. Wow, my Canon Rebel has a lot more to offer than I realized. Who knew a manual would be chalked full of useful information?

As I was fiddling with all my new found knowledge Kate came in to see what I was doing. So of course I started taking pictures of her (and the dogs, who are always where I am).

In this shot I was playing with adjusting the shutter speed and the aperture!

Quick shutter speed equals catching the dogs tongue at the precise moment it touched my precious daughters lips! Ewwww!

Remind me to kiss her good night on the cheek.


Claremont First Ward said...

I haven't read my manual. And I know I'm missing out. So what do you say I just shoot down your way and you can teach me? :)

Mamarazzi said...

oh my goodness that picture is awesome!

i should totally read my camera manual...though it's not that fancy of a camera, so i wonder if i would actually learn something new...hmmm.

tiarastantrums said...

Now if only I could FIND my manual to my Rebel! It's been lost since delivery!

Lorie said...

I read my manual, but I never can remember what it said; so I have to get it out again when I want to try something new or just stick with what I know.

LOVE Your picture, but yes I would definitely kiss on the cheek...of course I have always heard a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's. All I wanna know is how can that be when they eat poop and don't brush their teeth?

Casey's trio said...

I hope someday I will own a Canon Rebel!!

Simply AnonyMom said...

EWWW! But it is such a great picture too. Very nice.

Straight to Your Hart said...

Yes...a kiss on the cheek! That picture is awesome..perfect timing.

Lorina said...

Haha.. who would have thought? Note to self (when I get my Canon) Read the manual!

Cute picture!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh thanks a lot. This reminded me I still have to read the manual to the camera I got on Christmas.

Hah, at first glance I thought this was a picture of you chugging on a bottle of wine after reading your manual.

scrappysue said...

that's a great pic michelle! i NEVER read the manuals. i ACTUALLY put it off forever! i ask the hubs to read it for me and give me a 'preci'!!!

Anonymous said...

That is AMAZING that you caught that! I wish I knew how to use my camera on non-auto mode too!

The Blonde Duck said...

That is hilarious!

I moved! Check me out at www.aduckinherpond.com.

Hootin Anni said...

Wonderful capture!!!

My W W is about a family movie I just watched again, and found something in it that I'd never seen before...can you see what I saw? Come on over for a visit...happy Wednesday wishes to you.

Unknown said...

I am saving up for a Canon Rebel, can't wait to get it! And the photo is great, even with the eww factor!

K said...

...and they called it... puppy loooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeee
(do you hear donnie and marie?)

K said...

...and they called it... puppy loooooooovvvvvvvveeeeeee
(do you hear donnie and marie?)

K said...

ooops. got impatient there...

Mandy said...

Hee hee hee!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ewwwwww gross. But very funny. I have 1 doggy with a very fast tongue and she's always getting somebody in the mouth around here. Grosses me out but what do you do?

Jen said...

Ewwww, is right but that is a great picture. I have that same camera, maybe I should read the manual and just maybe, I could be half as good as you. :)

Allison said...

This shot makes me want to go read my manual...I am still learning as well.

Great WW!

Sandra said...

missed you this week!

Hope the yearbook is going well!

Ewwwww is right... my kid do that too! What IS that!

Have a great day! xxoo

nikkicrumpet said...

I never read the manuals...maybe I should and my pictures would be better. I loved the one you captured...and c'mon you have to kiss your doggies!!!!

Michelle said...

I hope the dog wasn't licking its behind right before you got this shot!?

Jenners said...

I'm an avowed non-manual reader, which drives my husband crazy. He thoroughly reads each and every manual that comes with anything we get. But I figure, why should I read it if he does!

He just got a Canon Rebel too. He found another book that he is loving -- David Busch's Guide ______ (camera type here). I think there are a bunch of them for each type of camera. He thumbs through, says "hmmmmmm" and then goes off and gets his camera to do some new fancy thing. You might like it!

And perfect timing on this photo! Love it!

Cathy said...

i hate reading manuals, too! great photo!!

Diane said...

wow! great shot!

ya know, they say dogs' mouths are cleaner than ours... but... eh, it's still pretty gross! lol

Nina said...

That is cool!!!
We have a very fancy camera that my husband bought and I am sure it does amazing things if I would do like you and read how they work. It probably wont happen... LOL

Great photo, minus the tongue on the lips.

Unknown said...

Ewww is right! But still a great shot! I learned quite a few things from manual too but I need to go back and read some of it again....

Rhonda said...

Man you sure got the load of comments today didn't yOU!!!!???

Now THAT is a great shutter speed...errr whatever you called it. I don't think my manual's ever left the box that it lives in. lol

Rhonda said...

Man you sure got the load of comments today didn't yOU!!!!???

Now THAT is a great shutter speed...errr whatever you called it. I don't think my manual's ever left the box that it lives in. lol

Cupcake Dessert said...

i love this pic!! haha.. but i must admit i thought they were sharing gum of some sort when i first looked at it haha.. but the tongue thing is just as gross.. great pic!! :)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

AMAZING! I got a new camera at Christmas and I am supposed to take a course to learn how to use it! YIKES!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i got a new flash for christmas that is more high tech than i can handle...and i def could use a lesson or two in reading the manual. but for now, i'm playing. still jsut playing.

jenn said...

I've had my camera for three years and still haven't read the manual. Haha. Great photo though.

Honey Mommy said...

I love my cannon!

That picture is gross and awesome at the same time.

Nicole said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love taking pictures and I have even read my manual twice. I still cant get the stupid thing to take good pictures!

Debbie said...

Great photo but it does kinda turn my stomach - just a little!

Jenni said...

LOL! GREAT picture!

debi9kids said...

How awesome!
I have yet to read the manual that came with mine.

Happy WW!

Ronda's Rants said...

That is sweet! Gross a little bit but mostly just sweet! :)

Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

I totally need to read my manual too.

And gross.

Chris said...

You read the manual?!? You speak that language?

StylinMom said...

great picture.......you are so wise to actually read your manual..I should maybe give that a try...lol
but it looks soooo long and boring!! haha

thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sturgmom said...

Visiting from SITS- I have a Canon Rebel, too and have NO.IDEA how to use it. Maybe the manual would be a good place to start! HAHA. Thanks for the inspiration.

Leanna said...

OK...I was JUST posting about aperture and 'trying' to figure out how the heck to get it set right! Don't tell me I'm going to have to find that stupid thing you call a manual!? ugh!

Awesome yucky pic!! Love it!!

Lindsay said...

Surprise pictures are so wonderful! That's such a cute shot of your daughter and the dog.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

ewwwwww LOL!!!

CC said...

ewwww! I was totally trying to play with my shutter speed last week and it was a bomb. No luck at all inspite of moving the speed all the way up and way the way down :(

Julie Brooks said...

Seriously.....I read the manual to my old film SLR but when you are using film and playing around with settings, you never remember what the heck you did! I have some excellent photos from when I used that camera. I'm looking forward to when I can splurge and get myself a Digi SLR. I will be in hog heaven!
Love the new photos! An good camera makes all the difference in good photos.

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