Another successful Girl Scout camping trip under my belt and I can breath a sigh of relief that I returned all 9 of the girls in my care home in one piece.
Taking the girls camping 2 hours from home is fun, lots of fun, but sometimes it worries me having all of these kids in my care. I have to walk that delicate balance of making sure they stay safe and letting them just be kids. To me kids seem to always be pushing that line of safety.

But that isn't good enough either. You must add another level of danger by inviting a friend to see just how close she can get to you while you swing as high as possible.
Or how about getting on top of the monkey bars for a better view. Not so bad, until you finding them all standing on top of bars for an even better view!

Then while they are crammed into one tent playing Truth or Dare you wonder if you should stop them when you over hear them daring each other to lick the feet of another.
I love my girl scout memories. :) Looks like they are making some fine ones, too. Great picture on top of the monkey bars.
Wow. Girl scouts sounds like an adventure! I didn't do that as a girl, but I have two little boys that will inevitably be boy scouts!
Congrats on surviving and bringing them home safely! Love the photos (of course)... that is some serious swinging!
Wow, so impressed with it all. You lived, they lived and a great time was had by all.
I love that shot of their silhouettes. Glad everyone is home safely! : )
Sounds like the girls made some awesome memories! :)
so glad you had a great time. I really have wonderful memories of my scout leaders and the camping trips we went on!!!
I am impressed with your leader ability:) Like I said before I don't think I can do it.
oh you poor dear! Too funny - And the photos are amazing!
Um...gross. Great photos! Are you guys in Joshua Tree? Glad you survived!
Looks and sounds like complete and utter fun!
What great memories you are helping those girls make.
Foot licking? EEEEK!
What a fun trip!
I worry constantly when we're on trips. But my older girls are pretty low key, now my Brownies... sheesh, they are a different story!
That sounds like a great time -- maybe not the feet licking (then again...)
I love that silhouette shot!
I'm glad it was such a great success. I love the swinging picture.
Now THOSE are the adventures that you will never forget and are so priceless!
I was such a tomboy. I used to love swinging as high as I could with the boys and jumping. I never got hurt though!
I'm glad you had a fun trip and managed to successfully toe the line between freedom and oppression at a Girl's Scout camp ;)
How fun! well not the feet licking thing...but spending time with a bunch of girls and enjoying the outdoors! I'm glad you got them home in one piece.
Lick each others feet? Did anyone actually do it? :)
Such great photos, and sounds like wonderful memories, too!
Wow. What an event! My fav picture is that silhouette one on the monkey bars. WOW!
Sounds like so much fun for your group of girls!
Hope you are having a super weekend! ♥ HUGS ♥
camp is awesome...and that silhouette shot is the best!!
EHW!!! Kids! But it looks like you had great weather, and a great time. Glad you all made it back home safely. :) Love the pic of the swinging girl, great perspective.
I hear you can get that swine flu from licking people's feet....
Did she seriously lick a foot?
Awesome! where did you guys go? Any GS tips or tricks or ANYTHING I would gladly take!
Looks like they all had a great time! dirty feet licking and all!
That is such an awesome pic of their silhouettes.
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