Is it wrong to feed your kids Jamba Juice, pita chips and humus for dinner? Not all the time of course, just when you are really really busy and really really tired!
Not sure if you all noticed, but I haven't been blogging much lately. You see, I am one of those moms that says yes to everything!
Can you see the words SUCKER tattooed across my forehead? Look real close, I'm sure it is there somewhere!

What is the school performance you ask. In a nut shell, about 50 parents volunteer their time to choreograph and teach a 2 1/2 minute dance to 20 different groups of kids. There are four groups per grade (1st through 5th), with about 14-18 kids per group. Do the math! That is a lot of kids.
The 5th graders (that would be my kids grade level) create the story that goes along with the theme for the year. The 1st through 4th graders have it easy. They only participate in one dance.
The 5th graders perform in grade level group dances like everyone else does, but they also perform in skits (we call those talkie bits) a skit dance (we call those dancey bits) and a finale dance (we call that controlled chaos).

This first practice with the crew never goes smoothly and we know that. But each year (yes I have done this before) we think we have a better handle on things and this will be the year everything flows like butter!
Considering that it is "our" year, and that we (Colleen) wrote the script that we would feel more together (a girl can dream).
If I was a drinker I would have left practice this afternoon and headed straight for the liquor store. No it wasn't really that bad, it only felt that way!
I know that when we have dress rehearsal on the 11th that things will run smoother. Our little 5th graders will know which way to exit the stage, where their mics need to go and what props they need to take out on stage with them.
All of the props and costumes that I still need to finish will get done. The four performances will go off without a hitch (a girl can dream) and I will breath a sigh of relief and shed a teeny tiny tear that after 9 years of being involved with the school performance that this will be my last show!
So if you don't see me here or over at your blog much for the next couple of weeks you will know why!
Cheers and ahhh.......break a leg?
How wonderful!! I love the theatre!! Have a great show!
Yeah, break a leg!!! I know it's probably killing you now, but you'll have so many fun memories!!
jamba juice, pita chips and humus sounds GREAT to me!!! Hey and if you add the fiber boost in the jamba, even better!!!
I am a bit jealous you have a jamba near you!!
good luck with the program...sounds great!
Sounds like a good dinner to me. Especially when you're way busy.
Good luck -- and I think Jamba Juice is acceptable at all times and in all places.
WOW! I don't blame you for taking an easier way out for dinner! But there were fruit and veggies on the menu so that's good!! Good luck with the production:)
You just want to break a leg so you can stay home and rest :)
I admire your ability to do this with your kids, multiple times. Its so fantastic that you are involved with them with so much!!
I think this is awesome and must be so rewarding. i can't wait to do things like this!
hummus pita chips and jamba juice? can i be one of your kids? haha. you have every reason to have a quick dinner, but it sounds like a dream dinner to me. great job MOM.
i DID notice michelle! school performance CAN get a bit out of hand, but in the end, it's a lot of fun and the kids sure enjoy (if not the practices, then on the night for sure!)
take lots of pics and keep us posted!
and learn how to say NO!!!
tiny tear, big cheer!
you go girl.
heck, feed 'em chef boyardee in a can.
You might not want to listen to me.
I was told the other day to grow up before I had kids. lol.
Break a leg.
that isn't a bad dinner at all. better than some choices we have fallen into on the busiest of days. but, oh my gosh, you are seriously busy. i hope that everything goes well over the next couple of weeks. can't wait to see you back :)
Wow that sound like fun but also a ton of work. I hope that everything comes together as it should. Good Luck.
You ARE a busy lady! Wow! Hey, we have matching sucker tattoos!
Oh PS is it bad that I don't even know what Jamba Juice is? Or humus - although I swear I've heard of that, just is deep in the memories somewhere inaccessible?
sounds like fun! if you find a way to say no let me know, i have a feeling im following you down that path! lol
You are a BRAVE woman taking that on! But at least you know it will be fabulous in the end!
Oh Mother of Everything are a SAINT! I would not fair well doing that. I LOVE kids-just don't love instructing them. I can't even get my OWN kids to listen, let along globs of other kids!
You are the bomb and we forgive you for taking some blog breaks. And yes, I did notice, and miss you to boot!
Your dinner sounds better than what I serve on a regular basis...
And no pressure from me ... take your time and do what you need to do!
You're a much better mother than I'm going to be! I probably would've laughed (maybe not in their faces, but definitely on the inside) if I was asked. It sounds like way too much for me, but I'm glad there are parents out there like you who pick up my slack!
I'm sure it will turn out fine. Keep us updated when you get a spare minute!
Sounds like it'll be a fun performance to watch, but yeah, ALOT of work. Good luck!!
:) about cheese bread with sugar sprinkles and juice for breakfast! you should have seen their faces when I handed that to them a few mornings ago. . AND I was out of coffee. A sad day in the claridy household! Have fun with the play!! Here's to it being OVER!! ~LOVE from Alabama!!
I had a feeling you were knee deep in this production.
I think it's wonderful that you use your talents to help others/make things better. So many people just are not willing to do as much as you.
You deserve a spa day after this for sure! :)
I have that same word tattooed on my forehead! I can't wait for May to be over:)
Good luck!! Sounds like funa nd a lot of work!! I am a sucker too...
I'm tired for you! Have some pie and a wonderful time! And quit saying yes!
You are a brave and loving mom. I hope to avoid such a "job" in the coming years... Yeah... I am one of those moms. :)
Wow, that is huge...amazing!
Good luck and I would say your kids are happy for the Jamba Juice!
Good luck. I was in plays in college and I know how much work and rehearsal they take. But it will pay off in the end. Break a leg!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with dress rehearsal on Monday! And you are right, since this is your last show, you just know you will miss it next year. Enjoy as much as you can, amongst all the chaos and work. :)
All the blogsters will still be here when you're able to take a breath and relax.
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