Tomorrow, March 20th, is the first day of Spring!
I'm sure those of you that live in the snowy regions of the country are really looking forward to the change in seasons.
So in honor of Spring I wanted to share with you some beautiful orchid shots I took the other day at the botanical garden.

I love this one because it looks like it is smiling!

I find the orange and yellow colors in this orchid really soothing.
post about lovely flowers to bring an unpleasant and unwelcome visitor to One Crafty Mama's backyard!!!

Yes folks....that is a western Rattle snake! As I was preparing this post about orchids I was interrupted by the loud barking of my dogs and the extremely loud warning shake of a RATTLE SNAKE!!
After getting the dogs inside (had to use a piece of chicken to bribe the stupid Chihuahua away from the fangs of death), I grabbed my camera and telephoto lens and zoomed in on the area where the dogs had been barking.
There were some intense moments until I found him. Make no mistake that I could hear him loud and clear!
Once I found him I snapped a quick picture and then ran across the street to get my neighbor Mark. Yes, I to can play the damsel in distress!
My wonderful neighbor came over, wrangled the snake onto a rake and dropped him in a plastic trash can. Then he took it down the canyon and released it.
I'm sure you can all imagine what was going through my head as Mark tried to get the snake (which took 30 minutes to capture)? I was doing what any good blogger would do. I was wondering to myself if it would be rude to run in and get my camera so I could document the snake wrangler!
I chose to hang out and be supportive!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
hey great photo friday, I love the smiling flower.
Holy Cow, I would have totally freaked out and would still be hiding under the bed. I can't even look at a little garden snake.
I LOVE the pictures of the orchids - they're my most favorite flowers. And, way to go on getting rid of that pesky rattler.
Lovely orchid shots!
Be careful of those slithering creatures.
OMG, hearing the rattle would have totally FREAKED me out! I'm sure my day is coming out here in rural-land, and I walk around the house way too much in flip flops.... is that dumb or what??! Glad you got the dogs to safety in time. ;) Oh, and the orchid pics are really, really pretty too. I think the rattlesnake upstaged them just a tad...
My hubby has been known to toss pebbles at a rattlesnake just so that it would coil and "wait" for me to see it! Unfortunately, I am NEVER duly appreciative of his efforts....
Love the pictures of the beautiful orchids. Can't believe you were close enough to take a picture of the snake...I would have been 3 states over...:-)
How big is that thing? It looks huge!
Nice to see that your blogging instincts are in full vigor.
the orchids are beautiful!!! the colors in them are amazing!
the rattle snake story cracked me up. I grew up in AZ so we had many of these stories growing up. But I had to laugh at the mental image of the chihuahua trying to take on a rattle snake!
OMG, that is frightening!!! Glad no one was hurt! Beautiful flowers!
that snake is so lucky it was in YOUR BACKYARD!! Cuz... I'd be wearing a brand new belt right now...
you are FREAKIN' kidding me!!!!! i am so terrified of snakes. at least in new zealand we have NO NATURAL PREDATORS - thank goodness!
gorgeous orchids btw
yikes - snakes!!!
That would've brought the damsel in distress out in me too! Though I am sure the men around here would've grabbed a pistol faster than a rake! ;)
And that is why I love living in Rhode Island...absolutely no poisonous snakes!! Oh...and good thing for good neighbors!!
holy friggin heck! I would have been SO SCARED! Can I get a Holla for mark?? GOOoooOOo MARK!!! He saved the day!
I HATE SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I might have nightmares tonight....that would FARRRREAK me out! I can handle bugs and spiders but NOT snakes.
Thanks for cushioning the snake post with the beautiful orchid shots though...WOW they are gorgeous!
EEK!!! We get snakes in out area too and I am terrified of my girls coming across a rattlesnake. So glad your neighbor was able to get him out of your yard!
you are a real blogger, beat your fear to get best picture.
a snake is to freaky for me.
EEEEKKK! me + snakes = run
OMG, yikes!!!!!!! Snakes scare the crap out of me!!! I would have run across the street too!!! Beautiful pictures of the orchids!!!
Glad your neighbor could help, Michelle! That's a lucky snake. Around my house, if it is poisonous, it doesn't survive.
i'm took a picture! and your neighbor wrangled the snake! seriously...are you wearing like steel clothes? you couldn't pay me to do that! good pic though
The orchids are beautiful, the snake, not so much! EEK! Good for you for getting your neighbor to help you.
I once saw my Grandma kill one with a large ax on her farm. She was a brave lady.
whoa!! no snakes!
good call, on being supportive!
great story as well
YIKES!! Snakes and myself do not enjoy one another.....we get some in our back field and my boys run over them with their dirt accident of course
OMG! You just made me gasp out loud! I would not have handled it THAT well. I was the weird damsel in distress who went to the apartment offices when there was a palmetto bug in the bathroom!
Ack! I hate snakes! Great PS Friday.
Yikes! That is scary. Great job getting his photo though.
YIKES!!! holy cow that would have FREAKED me out!
i DO love the pics of the beautiful flowers though amazing!
At this point in my life, I think even a rake might be a little bit too close for me and Mr. Rattles.
Stay safe in the wilds of CA!!
You're a better person than I am! I would've taken a gun to the snake if I'd been there (and had a gun). I don't do (poisonous)
OMGosh I would have been terrified of them getting my doggies. We have a couple different kinds of poisonous snakes but we don't see them often at all.
LOL! I love that you stepped away to grab your camera! Definitely a hardcore blogger :)
I would have been shakin' in my boots!
gorgeous flowers, so beautiful. We don't get many rattlesnakes here in London :) Kim
Incredible orchid shots.
I cannot believe you had a rattler in your back yard. I would have FREAKED!
Wow how scary....When I lived in Utah there were rattlesnakes in the mountains and the deserts but they never came down into the areas where most people lived. I'm so glad it didn't bite your dogs! I'm not afraid of fact I think they're pretty cool...but a rattlesnake in my yard would freak me out. You're lucky to have such a great neighbor....but I still would have been snapping pictures lol
Oh I have chills up my spine. We find snakes here but a fraction of that size and not rattlers so I can only imagine what you were feeling. Do you garden out there?
It does indeed look like it's smiling! {the flower, not the snake}
Holy crap!! Okay, I'll keep the snow. Seriously. No freakin way am I living with rattlesnakes.
Holy Cannoli! Now I'm not jealous of where you live anymore ... I don't have to worry about rattlesnakes here! I would have FREAKED OUT big time. How scary.
And I love your orchid photos -- they look so surreal and weird.
I'm glad the only unwanted visitor I have to watch out for is the occasional rogue rooster! HA!
Oh, and I like your orchid pics! That top one... like you said, it looks like it's smiling! Reminds me of the "Alice in Wonderland" movie, where she meets the flowers...
i stopped to take pictures this weekend because of the pretty flowers that have started blooming here. orchids are my favorite flowers, but we don't have any in our gardens.
and yikes on the rattle snake! glad you have a great neighbor, and i'm more glad they don't make their home in our area!
I would not be happy to find that in my yard! But those orchids are divine!! We got an inch of snow on the first day of spring - like God is laughing at us. :)
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