I love my pets, I really do....but sometimes they drive me CRAZY. I'm pretty sure that my cat Summer is trying to send me to the looney bin with her antics.
Summer scratches things (aka: furniture, rugs, curtains, screen doors) to get attention.
Scratching gets attention.

Not only does she get my attention, but she also gets the dogs attention.
Unfortunately for Summer, the dogs are on my side of the issue and they are more than willing to chase the cat when she is being naughty.
Don't fret cat lovers.....the dogs never hurt her. However sometimes I can't help but wish one of them would eat her.
Is that wrong to want your dog to eat your cat? After all, aren't RAW diets the new craze for spoiled pets?

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
We aren't cat "fans" around here (partly b/c my hus is SO allergic) so I'd say sure!
Oh Just kidding! She's still cute and I would most certainly like to pet her... : )
This is hilarious, and an excellent photo, and I LOVE the idea behind Photo Story Friday.
There are lots of things to do around blogland on Fridays!
That is such a neat photo! I am definitely a cat person, but sometimes I wish we had a dog to terrorize our Pnut. :)
My dog has eaten worse (and I have the stains to prove it... ugh) ;)
My doggies would probably just play with your kitty. They are about her size.
Oops that comment was mine.
What a great photo!
I am a total cat person, so I hear you. We adopted a kitty last year after my beloved Cinnamon passed away at 15 years old. I haven't had a cat with claws in forever, so imagine my annoyance when the new cat took to scratching freaking EVERYTHING, including walls, to get our attention. When we first brought her home, every other minute I was using my menacing low no! voice. It was kind of funny. She's gotten better but not much.
Does a scratching pad work at all?
*LOL* If you're bad for thinking it so am I. Sometimes the cats totally deserve what is coming to them. haha
I had a cat that would hang on the screen like that. It drove my mom crazy! Weird part...it was killed by a pack of dogs. Did you send them after my cat?
That cat is so cute!
Hahaha! We have cats but no dogs ... sometimes our cats are annoying, and I just wish them away! Cute kitty though.
Cat scratching furniture... that would have bugged me too.I liked that shot of your cat.What an angry pose.
The cats know. They know it annoys you and the dogs. That's why they do it. Sneaky little kitties.
My mom's puppy bit my cat's tail, so now Onyx the Cat says very horrible things about Lily the Dog. I think Onyx really needs to lighten up. Cats are so high strung.
If you sometimes wish your dogs would eat Summer, then I'm thinking she must really drive you nuts! ;)
Yes it is wrong. Terribly wrong.
Now, if you wanted the cat to eat the dog - that would be fine:)
Classic picture!!
That cracks me up. Too funny.
I love kittys. But I don't love clawing!!
awww!! that pic is so cute!! our cat scratches too!!! i hear that you can get pet off to keep them from doing it... i haven't tried it yet tho :)
i am not a huge fan of cats, so i can say honestly that no, it isn't wrong to want your dog to eat him :)
Hmmm....might be a little wrong to wish the dog would eat the kitty. ;) However, I can relate. I have two cats...one of which thinks he's going to starve to death, apparently. So, when I feed the two of them, he scarfs down as much as he possibly can...and immediately throws it all back up. Today I was so annoyed with his antics, I considered throwing him outside to fend for himself. But, I can't, b/c he's my pet and I love him. Darn it.
driving us crazy is what cats do best!
LOL...no it's not wrong...dogs deserve tasty treats! And a painless but effective way to keep a cat from scratching...keep a spray bottle handy...and when the cat starts scratching...spray her. It teaches them very quickly that scratching is baaad.
This reminds me of stories of a cat Ben had when he was little named Mittens.
Our cats have figured out the same thing. Thankfully, it's just one spot on our couch that they like more than anything else.
Put a little peanut butter on the cat...
You are hilarious! This is probably why we don't have pets. :o)
I like cats, but I'm much more of a dog person. Dogs can be trained to do what you want (usually) but cats are free thinkers and won't let the man hold them down :)
I wish my cat would eat our stinky pug. LOL
I love the effect on this photo! And the cat looks a little crazed to me ... I could see why you might wish a little "accident" to befall her!
THAT is an awesome picture. And helps justify my hesitation to have any pets at home... ;)
What a funny story, love the pic of the cat! Our cats stay outside to keep the property free of rats and mice, so no problems in the house here.
She does look a little freaky in that picture!
Awww, well, scratching is never a good thing... we took care of that by getting our kitty de-clawed!! Although, we don't have the dog to chase her. Haha.
Oh I love that cat! =^..^= And fear not, mine has eaten worse. :)
I love cats, bless their little furry socks. Kim
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