This writing assignment is brought to you by funny girl Kat over at Mama's Losin it. Kat gave us some tough prompts this week but you know me, I don't do tough. So I'm picking the easiest one of the bunch.
What made your childhood bearable? Write about it
I have three words for you:
Oh yeah baby! I would spend Friday evening with the TV guide in hand going over the Saturday morning line up. It was so exciting! A morning filled with nothing but cartoons, waffles and my snugly afghan.
I cheered for the lovable Underdog!
I laughed my tail off over the crazy antics of Jabber Jaw.

Got a little freaked out by the scary monsters on Scooby Doo.
And who can forget those crazy inner city kids on Fat Albert? They made playing in the city dump look like so much fun!
Ahhh, the good ole days!
Don't think that the whole morning was lost to hours of mindless cartoon drivel.
No, in the 70's and 80's we had PSA's to make sure that the sexiest, violent cartoons weren't warping our young minds.
Anyone remember Time for Timer??
Anyone remember Time for Timer??
This is what made my childhood more bearable. I need to run. For some reason I am hankering for a hunk of cheese!
yep...i watched em all!
Way too fun! Totally remember timer and all the rest. I actually have the cd of Schoolhouse Rock hits. Remember those. I'm just a bill for example....ahjhh good times!
I remember I remember!!!!
I also ADORED school house rock!
Oh a Noun is a person place or thing....
Oh my gosh... I need to buy these for my kids.
I loved this post!
Oh my gosh! I remember these! I also used to love School House Rock. I loved it so much, I bought the deluxe edition DVD to help teach my 2nd graders grammar!
I MISS Scooby Doo and Fat Albert!! This brings me right back!
Oooh!!! Good one! I was more of a Looney Tunes gal, but Scooby Doo was right up there too. :) Cartoons these days just aren't the same...
Those were great cartoons! So much better than the ones nowadays.
The classic days of cartoons I feel!
We didn't have a TV for much of when I was growing up but I do remember Underdog! : )
Saturday morning cartoons were the best!
oh how i miss saturday morning cartoons. i forgot all about the psa's...
I watched ALL of the same cartoons!
And I hankered for a hunk-o-cheese, too!
Great post! :)
Oh man those were great! I remember those. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
Obviously we were watching tv at the same times! Saturday mornings are nowhere near as cool now as they were back then.
Hm, typed a comment but apparently it got lost in blogland.
I miss Scooby Doo and Fat Albert!! This totally takes me back to my childhood!
See now THOSE were truly the classics! I vividly recall (and loved) those too!
My sister was obsessed with Scooby Doo. She watched it in the morning before breakfast for yearssssssssssssssssss.
Gotta add Captain Caveman to the list. I just found Fat Albert on YouTube last week to show my kids. That led to all kinds of funny links!
sigh. Saturday morning just isn't the same...
I remember watching all of those. That brought back some memories. But I have to admit my all time favorite cartoon I used to watch with my son. The tick. I still laugh everytime I think of that dopey cartoon.
What about, oh I forget the name, oh, schoolhouse rock. I'm just a bill, no ordinary bill.......
And the smurfs. oh, Saturday morning cartoons, I remember them well too!!!!!
hahaha! I can't say that I know time for timer, but it is soo fun to reminisce!
I remember them all too and I made my childhood:-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I hope to see you back there soon:-)
Oh, I loved Saturday mornings and cartoons growing up. I'm always a Bill on Capitol Hill ... Conjunction Junction, what's your function.
Been there watched that! I used to watch these when I was really little with my sister! That was the only time we stopped to watch TV. It was the absolute best. Thanks for sharing this past memory. It was a fond one.
LOVE IT!!! Our kids have no idea what they are missing. I remember the excitement every Saturday morning watching those great cartoons while eating my Count Chocula (what can I say I have always been a health freak!!).
I loved them all! Especially Underdog!
They don't make Saturday mornings like they used too!
Does anyone remember the Prime Time Preview for the latest Saturday morning line up?
oh man Fat Albert...i forgot about that one!!
LOVE this - I forgot all about Josie - I used to adore that show!
I loved Jabberjaw....Oh the memories how I miss Saturday mornings....
I rocked the Saturday morning cartoons too. I loved the smurfs more than I like to admit.
Underdog is here!
Don't forget Scooby Doo and Popeye!
i remember them all and it was so funny that my daughter walked in the room and asked for cheese right before i got to that video! ha. it made me laugh. it seems we are all a hankerin for a hunk of cheese!
ha ha. LUV those cartoons and I just noticed you have my cat sitting in your side bar. Funny ours is named MEOW meow. I had to laugh.
My childhood would have been awesome if it hadn't have been for schoolchildren...
I have such fond memories of Saturday morning cartoons. I adored my Gummy Bears/Smurfs/Alvin and the Chipmunks line up, and when I got older loved my hour of Looney Tunes at 11. They don't seem to have anything good anymore, and that makes me sad for Livers. I might try to invest in some old school cartoon DVDs so she can have the same fun memories I did.
Oh, I loved Underdog! And Woody Woodpecker! And Mighty Mouse was anohter of my favorites!
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