This is just a small section the border fence that separates the United States of America from Mexico.

It is the line in the sand that says, my side, your side.

Mexico is our neighbor. Neighbors have fences. This fence isn't one you can chat over. This fence says stay out.
I always wondered what kept people who wanted to enter the U.S. illegally from simply swimming out and around the fence.
Maybe what stops them is the menacing sign posted on the fence.
It reads: "Danger objects under water."
Now that isn't very neighborly is it?
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Wow! That is crazy! That's the border?!?
Holy cow, that is so interesting to see and scary. What objects you think are under the water? Like a barbed wire or something. That would keep me away for sure.
My FiL says that good fences make good neighbors.
thats kinda funny.
What a cool set of shots. I often wondered about the whole border thing... like is there a fence the entire way? ;)
That's funny b/c that is exactly what I thought....just swim around!! I wonder what is underwater.
barbed wire, and lots of debris are under the water. How do I know?
My blonde haired, blue eyed, Mexican heritage sis in law's Mom and Dad swam around it with her on their backs to get to this country
37 years ago.
those pics are awesome!! love the perspective.. and scary! it really is sad that kind of thing has to be done... great pics!!
Nice photos... now I am wondering what is under the water? I probably don't want to find out!
wow - I'm not sure what to think of this - - - do you live near this??
Personally, if I wanted around... I'd swim and just make it a BIG semi-circle. ;)
WOW! Those are some great pics. I too wondered what was under the water. I know many people do swin accros the boarder so whatever it is has to be deep. know I have never seen pictures of the actual border! Interesting!
And then there are the people who dig giant tunnels underneath the fence, too.
Hmmmm...I wonder if there really is something under the water that would keep people from swimming around the fence!
I have never seen pics of the border before. It doesn't seem very inviting that's for sure. I would so be afraid of what would be under the water!!!
it's def the water sign that does it! def!
Wow. Just wow.
Wasn't it Robert Frost that wrote "Good fences make good neighbors?"
Ew. Probably objects *in* the water too, as well!
I've never seen pictures of that ... thanks for sharing.
I have mixed feelings on this issue, but those are some amazing shots.
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very great shots, do you live near here? i used to drive thru el paso texas and just look right over the border fences as we drove, there was a huge difference in the living conditions between the two.
From the looks of my neighborhood I'd say they *are* swimming out and around and getting in anyway.
I've never seen the border before these photos and I didn't even realize that I hadn't. I would like to know what these water objects are.
That fence looks scalable! Not that I could do it....
Wow.. I have never seen it. Neat pictures.
I have crossed the border, but I never saw a fance. Maybe I was not lookin in the right place. Those pics speak lots. Not necessarily good either.
That is pretty un-neighborly looking isn't it?
What objects are under the water?
Does seem to lack a little bit in the "keeping" out department, doesn't it? I bet there is nothing under the water.
Very interesting post. I'm sure you'll get some yucky comments on this one ... but I hope not! : )
I love the pictures! Objects underwater....................hmmmmmmmmm...............that would of made a good photo. Want to go take an underwater one! lol
hmmmm.... 'objects'???
Pretty soon we will have lots of people finding out since it looks like Mexico is about to collapse :(
Adorable photos!
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WOW - I find that extremely interesting! I know you probably see it everyday - but living up near Canada, I've seriously always wondered what the border looked like! I had visions of the great wall, but never a rickety-old wooden fence! Very neat. Thanks!
Very interesting. It's sad to admit this, but I didn't know there was an actual fence at the border...
I have only seen the border that you drive thru from San Diego to Mexico and it is intense so I would imagine that under the water is a similar sight..ugg!
Thanks for stopping by today :)
Hmm wonder what is underwater??? Glad I'm a US citizen...don't want to find out for myself..
Not neighborly at all. My favorite are the beware signs on the freeway near border inspection with with pictures of whole families crossing the road.
Those pictures are so poignant. I think what struck me most was the top one and the difference in landscape from the Mexican to American side. I also have to wonder what kind of stuff is under the water...
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