A Jay and Deb Production.
For the ladies in the peanut gallery, you probably remember playing dress up with your mom's high heel shoes.
I remember putting on my moms too big for me heels and teetering around the house. I loved the way the heels made me feel more like a grown up!
Sadly, this is an experience my girls can't get at home! Their only heels they wore were the plastic princess heels that they had as little girls (we call those clicky shoes for the noise they made on our hard wood floors).
Why have they not had the pleasure of wearing my high heeled shoes? That would be because this six foot tall mama doesn't own any high heel shoes.
So my girls must find their fun in the self serve type shoe stores. You know.....the kind that have all their shoes out on rack for you to try on? No pesky sales people laughing at your size 10 feet.

Ever since the girls were little I would let them try on a boat load of high heel shoes. I can't tell you how many times I have almost peed my pants laughing as they parade up and down the aisle in their frilly heels (they aren't funny unless they are super ugly). And it is only really funny if one of them falls (without snapping an ankle of course).

By the way......I try on high heel shoes and admire how good they make my legs look. Then a shopper walks by and I realize that I'm able to see the part in their hair so I kick them off and go back to trying on shoes without so much lift.
LOL. I love it. :)
LOL i love those self service place too cuz I am very self consious about my big feet!! but i love those pics of the shoes.. i'm drooling :)
Oh, those are great shots. I love it!
I still can't manage a decent pair of heels... so not graceful and coordinated like that. But they're so pretty to look at! :)
Such fun shoes!!!
Oh, you Amazonian woman!!!
"Part in their hair"... almost had me peeing my pants!!!
Oh, to be as tall you... I only wish...
You are so right ... this is a rite of passage! I love that you made this happen for your girls! I remember that my mom had a great pair of Candies stilleto things that I just adored as a girl ... though I did almost break my ankle parading around in them! Love this post!
I love that you take them out to do this. My daughter and I will still go out to shoe stores and search for the funniest, wildest, highest heels we can find and then model for each other.
I just did this the other day. I love high heel but alas, I am tall like you. I own a few pairs but I rarely wear them.
this was really cute and creative!
love those first shoes!
Hi Again! Just wanted to let you know I just gave you the Honest Scrap award -- here is the link:
How fun! I don't do high heels myself, and I had never even considered doing this!
I love it!
I would love to be as tall as you!
Cute post. I love that you have done this with your girls. I miss those days of Chelsea digging through my closet for those coveted high heels.
I'm diggin on those floral printed heels! FUN!
The only high heels my girls have ever played with are the little girly plastic ones, too. I don't have many pair of heels...
And I MUST know where I can get those heels in the first pic! They are FAB!!!
OMGosh! LOVE this post! reminds me of my family that does very similar things with hats. We nearly pee oursleves trying on the ugliest hats we can find. Such fun!!!
Oh fab shoes. I love high heel shoes and have a few pairs - but I can't actually wear them! They hurt too much LOL Kim
Too cute! What an adorable post. :) I love trying on high heels but I am 5'6" so it seems silly to wear them. But oh how lovely they are. :)
Sorry about that! For some reason it posted like 1000 of the same comment!
I can see why you wouldn't want to wear heels. :) I don't wear heels cuz I like being short. :)
I am 5'2" and my hubby is 6'4" it is kind of a nessecity to own high heels if only for date night. I love those first shoes - so stinkin cute!
lovely - I need to let my girls do this!!
Love this post! At least you found a way for your girls to still have the high-heeled shoe tradition:) We have lots of clicky princess shoes in our house.
Being 5'10" I know how you feel. Luckily ballet flats are in! My Tink loves the clicky "tapping shoes" as she calls them.
I have left you a little gift over at my blog. Stop by.
Great Tribute! My husband was just saying the other day that our girls will miss out on doing this, too, I haven't a single pair of high-heels and unfortunately, it's not because I am tall. Rather, it's due to me being so clumsy!
I love those shoes!
I want those flowered ones.
wait size whaaaa? ok I'll leave u alone...at least you have good balance right? tee hee (shoot all the size 8's are always GONE!!- LUCKY YOU!)
I must have bad taste. I actually kind of like the first pair ;)
I'm not a high heels girl for a different reason. I don't like purposefully assaulting me feet :)
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