Here are the prompts for the week:
1.) Write a haiku about what you see out the window. (if you don't know what a haiku is click here.)
3.) If I could live in any era of history, what would it be -- list 10 reasons why.
4.) Write a light hearted piece on how to get along with an enemy.
5.) The first time you...
You know, I am going to move out my comfort zone and pick the Haiku! Technically speaking right now all I see outside my window is darkness. But I will share something I see on a regular basis when I look out my back window.

Redtail Hawks are cool
Floating on the canyon breeze
Watch out little mouse

Geeze, I haven't written a Haiku since I was in elementary school. If I did it wrong I don't want to hear about it! Just pat me on the head and move along! :)
Want to see what other clever bloggers wrote this week?
I just had to tag on this little tidbit! The Teen came home from school today all excited because for 8th Grade Standouts she was nominated in the "Best Hair." She doesn't think she will win, but she was really thrilled she was nominated.

So for all my Red headed blogger friends who got teased over your hair color when you were little......the tides have turned my friends! They vote on Friday, so she should know sometime next week if she won.
*Correction, I was informed by my the Teen that she was nominated for "Prettiest Hair," not "Best Hair." Geeze, moms can be so lame!
She does have great hair.
Yes, the Dutch topping is the flour, brown sugar & butter topping. I think it's my favorite part. :-)
I always hated my red hair when I was growing up but have finally resolved myself to just live with it. Hers is beautiful. They say redheads are a dying breed so she should be proud of her uniqueness.
The hair is GORGEOUS!!! And the haiku wasn't bad either. ;)
Great haiku. And I would totally vote for her hair!
LOVE it!
My daughter would be thrilled with that award also ;)
Awesome hair, awesome haiku--hey, that should be the next writing prompt! A haiku on best red hair!!
Gorgeous hair.. I would so vote for her!!
That pie looks scrumptious. Good work!! With a toaster oven at that.
I always wanted red hair! Hope she wins :)
I was not brave enough to try a haiku. I just dyed my hair red! Not as pretty as hers, of course.
Love the assigment...I think you did great! (pat-pat) And I totally think your girl should win best hair! I use to dye mine red!
I would love to have her hair!!
Your haiku has a great flow to it. Very nice.
I'm sure your Haiku was great (never heard of a Haiku before so thanks for teaching me a new word!)
I'd vote for her red hair, it's beautiful and so is she! I know a lotta men that realllllllllly like redheads. watch out momma!
great haiku. I can't even spell the word let alone write one.
Also, I agree your daughter has great hair and she should win.
Good luck to your little red head... and great job on your haiku! Unlike you, I would not leave my comfort zone and try the haiku!!
Oh she does have awesome hair!
And I LOVE the Haiku! Outstanding :)
Redheads are the shiz-nit.
Love the pictures to go along with your 5,7,5 (I think Haikus should be changed to that name cause then people would know what the hell you're talking about when you say Haiku. Although I knew what a Haiku was already. Though I don't know why I'm rambling so much about this.)
That's so funny because I glanced at your girls' pictures before reading this post and thought, "Man, they've got AMAZING hair!"
Thanks for stopping by my blog today--I've been to yours a couple times before and really enjoy your writing! Plus, we both live on the west coast and love crafty things. Do you know of a scanner that's good for scanning in scrapbook pages? The ones at Kinko's can't handle the buttons 7 brads of a scrapbook page, apparently...
Nice Haiku...that's the prompt I chose too.
Your daughter's hair IS beautiful, I hope she wins. When I was in HS, I always had a soft spot for the red-headed boys! They were few and far between but perhaps that's why they were so cute!
She is really beautiful!
You Haiku was great!
From what I can remember about Haikus I think it was perfect. Your daughter does have very pretty hair, I'm actually kinda jealous.
watch out little mouse indeed!! I've never seen a red-tailed hawk, but often see the hawks hovering above the roads near me and I just know that they have got their eyes on some poor little mouse in the grass below.
Congrats redheaded girl!
Prettiest Hair standout.
Rock the vote at school.
(maybe I'll just go around saying everything in Haiku...)
ooops! just demanded a recount and I'm short a syllable in the line 2. dang...
You moved out of your comfort zone beautifully! And, she DOES have incredibly beautiful hair~
Pat. Pat. Pat. Seriously good, unless you are a mouse.
Pretty hair, too. Your daughter, not the mouse.
Get with it, mom...she's beautiful!
Jay @
Her hair is very pretty. And in your defense it is the best too! ;D
Her hair is gorgeous!
Great Haiku...I wouldn't know the first thing about writing one.
Are their really hawks outside your window?? Cool!
And your daughter's hair is gorgeous...she's totally going to win that...can we vote??
Great job on your Haiku and your daughters hair is beautiful!!
nicely done on the haiku- poor little mousey! and she DOES have the prettiest hair- i'm envious over here!!! good luck!
Beautiful hair. Red's been popular for quite a while now. But hers is also thick and such a nice length for that healthy bounce!
I just don't get long stringy look that so many kids have. I'm dying to say that to my niece but I told you instead. K?
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