Nearly a year ago I was waiting in line to get gas at Costco when all of a sudden I was bumped from behind by another car. When I looked into my rear view mirror I was instantly alarmed by what I saw.
There was a very disheveled man waving his arms at me like some kind of lunatic. He had wild hair, crazy eyes and his car was old, dented and looked to be full of his worldly possessions. Great! Why couldn't it have been Joe the business man in his fully insured BMW!
Considering the Freakazoids reaction I wasn't sure if I should get out of my car, but I wanted to make sure he didn't damage my car. So like an idiot I get out of my car and peek around at the back side of my SUV.
As I am looking to see if there was any damage, scary crazy dude gets out of his car and claims that I backed up and hit him and proceeds to call me several unflattering names. I look around because in that bizarre moment I am sure I am on hidden camera. Not seeing any camera's or Ashton, I do the rational thing and get defensive and refuse to have this event blamed on me.
I proceed to open my big mouth and inform Freakazoid that there was no way that I could have backed into him! My car was in DRIVE and considering we were on a flat surface there is no way my car couldn't have rolled backwards and hit him. It was pretty obvious that he rolled forward and hit me.
This comment sent the the freakazoid over the edge and his yelling at me escalates. I don't think I have been so scared of another person in all my life. I quickly got back in my car, locked the doors and contemplated getting out of line.
Considering I was running on fumes I risked staying in line and prayed that Freakazoid would be content with the fact that he scared me into not caring that he was really the one who hit me.
My turn at the pump came, I got out of my car and tried to shove that nozzle in the car as quickly as possible so that I could retreat into the safety of my car. Freakazoid gets out of his car, but instead of going straight for the pump he walks up to me and continues to yell at me. By this point, everyone pumping gas is staring at us and not only is it embarrassing but I'm rather concerned what this very unstable man is going to do to me.
The Freakaziod is cursing at me and claiming that I am the rudest b*tch he is ever come across. He then proceeds to demand that I apologize to him for backing into his heap of shit he calls a car. Then my tongue gets the best of me. After trying my best to ignore this psychopath I informed him that I was in no way going to apologize for something that I didn't do and that he needed to just mellow out and leave me alone.
Ok, this is the point in the slasher movies when the dumb girl gets chopped into little pieces by the axe wielding psycho!
I am shaking pretty hard and really pissed that all the men around me are just watching this obviously unstable person verbally assault at me. Freakin' wimps! I also can't believe that I actually responded to him with something more than a "I'm really sorry kind sir."
I decide to stay out of my car the entire time I am pumping gas so I can keep an eye on the psychopath. I felt too much like a siting duck in my car. I figured that at least if he got too close I was pretty sure that I could out run him or at least dodge any bullets he might shot at me. Thankfully he didn't pull out a gun or get too far into my personal space. But I really made him angry and as he left he continued to rage at me.
That encounter left me shaken and obsessing for hours over what I could have done differently. The funny thing about this story is that he looked like he could have been the twin brother of a jerk who I used to be on a committee with. So needless to say I will never forget what he looked like.
So here we are a year later and I see Freakazoid again while getting gas at Costco. The mere sight of him sends a chill down my spine. But fortunately for me, Freakazoid has completely forgotten the "rudest woman he has ever met" and completely ignores me. Phew!
Go away scary man, go away!
Reading your blog was like watching a horror flick!!!
Good for YOU for standing up to him and standing your ground!
Jerks like him are a disgrace! (and pffft on those around you that allowed him to speak to you that way)
Chin up little lady!
What a jerk!! Did that happen in front of other people?? (i would think maybe somebody would've stepped in or something)
And was he still driving his same old beat-up clunker with damage from when "you reversed up hill into him"? :)
Good grief! I cannot believe that some people act that way. Thank GOD he didn't try to hurt you.
Yikes. In this day and age, I would have went inside and had the gas station call the police.
Oh my gosh how terrifying. I don't know what I would have done in your shoes!! I am glad he didn't remember you this time!!
NExt time - just call 9-1-1!!!
Wow. I can't believe nobody stepped in...SISSIES!!!
I would have had a rise in blood pressure just SEEING him again! Stay away from that dude!
Wow, he is one crazy guy! You poor thing!
Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment! Your blog is too cute! :)
I loved this story - I laughed, I got mad, I shivered a little...haha Good job for standing up for yourself but next time you go to costco to get gas take a "killer" dog or something :)
how creepy! i would have totally hidden had i run into the guy again!
OMG! What a crazy experience! I'm glad he didn't remember you!!
What is WRONG with people???!!!!!!
I think crazy man has some 'issues'......sorry he took them out on you one time :(
Drugs. The dude is definitely on something. What a freak. Sorry that happened to you!
Ew! I can't stand creepy people like that!
This is why they invented rear-window gun racks - makes the freakazoids think twice before jumping out of their cars and being jerks...tee hee...
Thanks for becoming a follower on my blog - I really appreciate that!
:^) Anna
Wow! What a freak! I never know what to say in the heat of the moment, I'm always too shocked LOL :)
that is crazy. I don't know what I would have done in that situation but thank goodness he did not remember you. Probably related too all the drugs he is/was on.
Gues you wont be gassing up at Costco any more. That is so scary!
Whoa! Glad you're okay, glad he left you alone!!!
Now that is FREAKY! I can't believe no one called the police, I would of for ya~!
That's really sad that no one else spoke up!
OMG! Sounds like and incident I've had. My temper gets the best of me though in these situations :o)
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