Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Hey, you have missed your Target. It has been closed for 8 months and this moment deserves a picture....oh, and you know you might want to use it for Photo Story Friday!!
#2: Whip out the forbidden camera, sneak up on unsuspecting Teenager, and start taking
pictures! They think they can hide from you, but you were given mom radar for a reason.......so use it!

#3: Convince younger daughter to put on all the Halloween masks so you can take more embarrassing pictures. Make sure to laugh hard enough to cause a scene! This always causes younger sisters to act even goofier than normal! Actually, being goofy is normal and is always embarrassing.

#4: Next convince Teenager that they need to be goofy too, but promise you won't take any pictures. Then when you know they can't see out of the eye holes, snap another picture!

#5: Next tell your Teenager you need to go into the feminine hygiene isle. You will get bonus embarrassment points if there are teenager friends lurking about in the store! Oh, and make sure to take pictures of the embarrassing feminine hygiene products!

That will conclude this mini lesson on embarrassing your teenager! My test subject did appreciate that I brought my point and shoot instead of my 35 mm for this embarrassing moment.
***Note to self.....big camera is more obvious, thus more embarrassing!
I love that you go out of your way to embarrass your teen. That will SO be me in a few years.
I am not prepared to even think about the teenage years. I am still trying to figure out toddlers! ;) Your girls are so pretty, and I love your blog design.
LOL!! I am glad I have boys (so far) and don't have to talk about 'Always' products. :)
Oh my goodness...you brought bad memories of my parents embarrasing/torturing me! My mom STILL likes to call me "LOU" in public. I'm 30. Please don't call me "LOU Girl." Ugh....way to go. I think you succeeded! Now that I have kids of my own, I plan on doing the same thing. What else are kids for, but to embarrass?! LOL.
Oh, you are to funny..
I am loving all these funny pictures..
Congrats on getting to go back to Target.. : )
I KNEW I should have opted for the family plan. LOL
Oh wow, yeah, I can see why that might be embarrassing...
Oh, Target. How I love thee! I can understand your overwhelming emotions.
I think you just gave me something to look forward to in my daughter's future teenage years. Here I was dreading the whining, the boy-craziness, the mischief and mayhem, and I COMPLETELY forgot how much fun it is going to be to embarrass the heck out of her. What was I thinking?
I'm so with you girl. IF MY Target closed for 8 months I'd snap happy too! Oh Target, how I love thee (and these hilarious shots)!
My parents used to mortify me-- I never thought that it might have been fun for them, LOL. I spent way to much time and money at my new Target today, too. I could live there! :)
HAHAHA nice. Way to go!!! That's so funny lol.
Love in the Afternoon
LOL I LOVE this! I'm so going to use this in the upcoming years!
I believe kids need to be embarrassed -- it builds character.
we have been trying to embarass our daughter for a while now and she just thinks we are funny. i swear...my parents use to make me wanna crawl under a rock...we can't get that reaction from J, AT ALL!
love all the pics and the stories behind them...hilarious!
Great pictures! The photo of Reid scowling at you is priceless.
I just laughed so hard I almost choked.
I can honestly say I would kill my father if he EVER started taking pictures of me without my knowledge. And this is why I am glad the man does not know how to use a digital camera, nor carry one around. That's my job.
Target is one of my favorite places in the world, I can't believe you didn't have one for 8 months!!!
Oh and just so you know, I totally plan on embarrassing my kids from the day they turn of age. In fact I already do it with my brother...
Those are such sweet moments...Love the photos!!
LOL, I'll have to keep these in mind... my girls are 5 and 7, so I've a few more years until the (dreaded) teenage years hit...
And thanks for playing in my little giveaway... winner will be posted on Sunday :)
Ha! Great one. How many times did you hear "Moooooooommmmmm!"
Your blog is terrific - and gorgeous! Thanks for stopping by during the blogathon and leaving a comment - I really appreciate that...
Take care and have a great weekend...
:^) Anna
I took notes... Now I need to just sit & wait for a few years.... Boo haa haa
HAH...funny post! I miss the days when I got to embarrass my kids...dang that was fun. My daughters used to go into a store walk over to the aisle with the medications...and then yell "HEY MOM...HERE'S THE GENITAL WART CREAM YOU WANTED" They were so GOOD at the embarrassment game. I taught them well!!!
Oh...and thanks so very much for stopping by on my SITS day. I had a blast meeting so many new people. And it brought me to some great blogs like yours!
OMGosh if our Target closed I'd literally have to be admitted to the hospital for withdrawl!! You withstood great trials!!
Embarrassing moms are the most fun!
This was hilarious. :) And I'm taking notes haha
I wish you could hear out loud I am laughing!!!! I'm so embarrased for your teen! LOL But it's TOTALLY worth it! hahahahaha LOVE this post! HILARIOUS!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I'm thinking you be lovin the Bulls Eye...........more than so said teenager!!lol
All very good tips for embarressing your kids! Will save for future use. Thankfully I don't embarress my kids yet but I know it's coming...lurking...in the distance.
Way fun and funny! :)
I'm saving this entry so when Roo is 13 I can do this to her!! Won't she love that! :) :) :)
I seems that Target provides a great number of opportunities to embarass one's adolescent youths. I wondered, when they laid out the store, if the designers had that in mind?
Oh, that is so not right...and yet, I'm taking notes for when I have a teenager.
That picture of your annoyed daughter takes the cake! Nothing like a Mammarazzi in Target. Oh, did I just coin a term? :-)
HA HA! I have a little over two years to work on this skill...thanks for the great picture tutorial!!!!
This was so much fun. :)
Thanks for visiting my Photostory Friday. :)
Hah! - I don't even have to go into a store to embarass my Katie. Apparently all I have to do is laugh in public...... she maintains I "cackle"!! (does this mean my teen is more low-maintenance than yours?)
Love this bloggin' stuff... I'm glad I found you!
love from the mountains.....
Pay back for when they embarrassed you when they were little!
Oops! i just realized I didn't coind a term. Name already taken. Sorry, Mammarazzi! Still trying to find my way around here.
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