Oct 5, 2009

Macro Monday - Knobby knees

You would poop on people too if you had knees like this!

For more Macro Monday entries please click here.


Jenny and the Princess Peonies said...

I really love your photos. Great job!

Jientje said...

ROFL!!! I love your eye, AND your sense of humor!

Corey~living and loving said...

LOL ummm yeah....knees like that.....would depress anyone. :)

Anonymous said...

oh, poor bird. They probably make fun of him at the local bird perch. ~Smiles from AL

Gabrielle said...

I love taking macro shots! I love your blog, now following! Hello, from SITS!

Baby Herzog times THREE said...

Hilarious and now I get it :)

Vic said...

Haha! That's an awesome caption wonderful photo. Props.

Liz Mays said...


Unknown said...

These are great knees! I'd say she works out!

Tracie said...

I guess I have to stop complaining about my swollen, acheing knees now!

Stephanie Faris said...

Now THAT is an interesting pic!

Casey's trio said...

OMG...did you take that picture? Check out the detail on those bird legs...too funny!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

is it just me or does it look like the knees are froggy faces? i think it's the sweet tea kicking in or something...

Tabitha Blue said...

Oh wow, that is a cool photo.. so crisp!!


Muthering Heights said...

Wow, what sort of bird is that?

Ingrid said...

No thank you, I am not that far, lol !

Jama said...

Lovely macro!but I bet the bird's knees are much stronger that ours!

Anonymous said...

Very interesting photo! This must be some sort of bird that spends time in water... duck?

Jennifer said...

LOL! Hilarious! Those knees sure are knobby looking! I'd have to agree, if I had knees like those and could fly, I'd choose the flying! ;-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me comment love today! So glad you visited! :-)

Rhonda said...

you're right! I probably would!
Great photo!

Jenners said...

I really like this photo!!! Sometimes zooming in on just one part makes the photo so much more special.

Sarah Brown said...

Those make my stubby fat legs look good=)

Thanks for stopping by today=)

Live.Love.Eat said...

I always wondered how they could possibly walk on this little legs.

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