On Saturday I threw a slumber party for Reid's 14th Birthday.
I haven't thrown Reid a "kid" party since she was 11 so I wasn't sure exactly what to do with a bunch of 14 year old girls!
Did they just want to hang out and listen to music? Should we play games?
We decided to do a little of both and I thought I would share what was popular with our set of teens.
I haven't thrown Reid a "kid" party since she was 11 so I wasn't sure exactly what to do with a bunch of 14 year old girls!
Did they just want to hang out and listen to music? Should we play games?
We decided to do a little of both and I thought I would share what was popular with our set of teens.

We are big fans of the show Survivor, so taking inspiration from the show we had ourselves an auction.
I let Reid pick out 15 small gifts and we put each one in a brown paper bag (more gifts than guest).
I gave each of the guest $400 worth of play money.
Then we let the bidding begin. The gifts ranged from really cool, to kind of silly. It was an absolute hoot to listen to the girls try to outbid each other. Watching their reactions to what they won was even more of a hoot.
It produced loads of giggles!
Since Reid is so crazy about music we played "name that tune." Considering it was Reid's play list and there was no way anyone could beat her, she acted as the DJ.
For prizes, I bought a pack of 100 rubber bracelets to toss to the girls as they correctly guessed the name of the song. I gave each girl 4 bracelets at the start of the game and then I would randomly toss bracelets to the girls who weren't guessing as much.
The girls loved having "prizes" tossed their way.
We also played musical nail polish. We had enough crazy colors so that each guest had one bottle to start with. Then we played music as they passed the polish. Each time the music stopped they girls painted one nail with the polish that they ended up with.
Again, another game that they enjoyed......just make sure to play this one in a well ventilated room.

So there you have it, a few Teen tested and mother approved party games for your next Teen birthday party.
What fabulous ideas. I am going to remember this for when my time comes.
Sounds like a blast! I will never know what it's like to throw a girl party but it looks like fun :)
just yesterday i was asking my teens what kinds of parties they want to have? they haven't had one in years. we were all at a loss as to what would be cool. i can use some of these ideas! thanks. sounds like a fun day, and that cake...mmmmm :p
I'll never be able to do this (2boys) but it sure looked like fun. I know I would have loved it when I was a teen.
Wow!! Very creative of you!
I'll have to remember that for my daughters 14th bday!!!
I, too, won't know the wonderful world of girl parties seeing as how we are having boy #3.... :)
That sounds so fun! What a great party!
How fun!! Great photo!! enJOY your week!!
What creative ideas!! I'll keep them in mind for my Kate's 15th party. For her 14th we just did a regular movie, sleepover & pizza party. The funniest part was when the 8 girls were watching the movie, texting each other (while sitting side by side, of course) ... Oh, and all these cool girls HAD to have a pinata!
Your ideas were so unique and I love them!!!
Great ideas! And wow, those girls look so grown up for 14! I remember me at that age... yikes, talk about awkward! :)
How fun!! I love the musical nail polish idea - I almost want to do that with my friends!!
You are so creative! What fun these ideas are. I'll have to find a way to adapt them so that we can use them too.
Wow, you are so creative!!
how fun!! i would have had a blast too!!
Sounds like they had a wonderful time!
Oh, that sound slike so much fun!! I might take the musical nail polish idea for Angie's 5th birthday party (with parental help, I'm sure) :)
Sounds like fun games! You are way more creative than I am lol!
So fun. I think I want you to plan my next party LOL.
These are some great ideas!
My oldest has had a birthday party every year since she turned 5. She'll be 9 on her next birthday, and I think I've decided for this one, instead of a party I'll let her have a few friends over for a sleepover. So these ideas will come in handy! I really think she'd like the musical nail polish game!
I just love love love your ideas!!! I totally would want to go to a party and play these games ... even at my advanced age of 42! Totally sounds like fun and so creative!
Happy Birthday! Um, I will be consulting you for our next party! Great ideas!! Hugs and hello's from Alabama!
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