A few weeks ago we attended a street fair and saw a woman selling polymer clay cupcake pendants!
They were cute and creative, and being the {sometimes} crafty mama that I am, I left her booth knowing that I could make my own cupcakes.

They were fun to make and not too bad for my first attempt. My biggest frustration was trying to get the base shaped like a cupcake!
They aren't completely done as I still need to put in one of those loop thing-a-ma-jiggeys, bake it and glaze it........but that requires a trip to Michael's. Yippee!
I recently bought a glass tile pendant kit from a seller on Etsy.
I'll be back soon to share the results!
That takes alot of talent!!!! Those are so pretty!
I am astonished at what I'm seeing here! You inspire me. I would never be able to come close to that but you're inspiring me nonetheless.
Wow!! Those are so amazing!!! I am beyond impressed!!
Wow. Now talk about talented! Those are amazing!
Not too bad? They are amazing!
Very cute...
And very creative too!
Happy WW!
I feel/hope for a cupcake pendant giveaway in the near future.
i am in ♥ with them!
Those are absolutely adorable! Man I wish I would have gotten that creative gene from my mom!
I'm with Miss Anne, I am hoping for a cupcake pendant giveaway!
WOW...how cute is that!
Come by my blog I am having a giveaway!
Stopping by from WW...
These are adorable.I worked with polymer clay for years before my boys were born.... and I keep meaning to get back to it. so many crafts, so little time!
oh my gosh, those look so good!!! Unfortunately my creativity ends with stick people!!
those are cute!
pretty good effort michelle - so bright!
Cute cupcakes. :)
Cute Cute!
Those are sooo fab! I am going to become a follower now just so I can keep up with what you are doing with these!!!! Awesome!
Wow - I am seriously impressed. I actually thought those were the original ones you saw at the street fair....impressive girl - you've got talent!
these look awesome! and yummy too ;p) thanks so much for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your week. happy ww!!!!
Wow, they look amazing!
You made those????? Incredible!
Great job!! Very creative and YUMMY!!
THOSE are fantastic!!!!!!!
Those are so cute! I adore them!
Those are SO cute! And, they look good enough to eat! HA!
Gorgeous! You are one crafty lady.
Wow! Those look amazing! And they are making me quite hungry, too :)
You ARE one crafty momma!
This is WAY cute!! Although, I think you should make some real cupcakes like this and send them to me!!! You know I'm pregnant and need them right now, right? Hahahaha. Great job! These are adorable, and you really are crafty!
Those are FABULOUS!!! Great job!
Fun & CUTE!
Is there an ETSY shop in store for you in the future???
Those are adorable!!!
You're certainly living up to the title of your blog! Well done!
Very crafty! And, cute, too!
Holy crap!!! Awesome!
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