Today is the eighth day of summer vacation. It is also the eighth day in a row that Kate has gotten up and asked me this simple question:
"Mom, what can I have for breakfast"?
I informed her that between the time they were in school (8 days ago) till today, that our typical breakfast menu has not changed.
You can almost always expect to have the following choices for breakfast:
1. cold cereal
2. pancakes or waffles
3. fruit
4. yogurt
5. toast
6. eggs

You can also expect that if you get up at 10:00 a.m. that the kitchen will be closed and you will need to make your own breakfast!
So please child.......if you want me to maintain my sanity this summer you will refrain from asking me "What can I have for breakfast" every single morning!
Carry on!

For real!
oh i can't even imagine these days...thanks for the heads up :)
lol! "carry on" love it!!!
Wow, I wish my kids would wake up at 10am instead of 6am every day!
HA - my son woke up at 10:45 AM this morning and then wanted to know the same thing.
This is my 5 year old's FAVORITE question. Maybe our kids should get together and make breakfast for each other! hee hee...
and surely they're old enough to make their own - it's your summer too, right?
Haha! Sounds like my kids! They'll ask, "What is there to eat?"
Happy WW!
Haha. Funny. My favorite is when my girls change their minds after I have made breakfast :) Now they want cereal after I just slaved (Haha) over pancakes.
fortunately here we are still stuck in the pancakes make the perfect meal...every meal phase.
LOL that's why I buy pop tarts and cereal easy enough to make them selves
You're a regular restaurant, aren't you?
The first word out of my boys mouth every morning is "pancakes" or "waffle".
You got that right! :)
Sounds like our fact, I think we might be living the same lives..married, 2 daughters, ballet dancer, teen... It's great though, huh?:-)
It's a good thing you've posted the breakfast options so that she can refer back to your blog should she again forget what the menu is...;o)
Yep - my kitchen "closes" for breakfast around 9:30am. Glad to hear I'm not the only one! LOL! Happy WW!
I can totally relate! Good luck with that...I hope your sanity remains intact this summmer!
I'm backin' you up on that!
That sounds like my daughter! And we have the same items on our breakfast menu.
My! What a nice Momma you are!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Its always fun to make new blogging friends!
Breakfast after 10am, isn't that lunch?
I can see me in you a few years from now. lol
Too funny!
Happy WW
They don't catch on very quick do they?
I am impressed you offer so many choices daily before 10 am! My kids get oatmeal or cereal and yogurt except on Sat.
Yep. They do that. And my youngest asks me every single day what is for lunch. "Same things as yesterday" is my answer.
You tell 'em! I'm glad to know that my child is not the only one who does this! Happy Wednesday!
Hey Michelle,
What can I have for breakfast!?
Summertime and breakfast ... it's a beautiful thing! ;)
I know what you mean.
My kitchen closes at 10am, too. At least until lunchtime.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a teen like that. All of us should form a club and meet for .... tea!
Why do they do that? Maybe I should type up a menu?
I started off the summer making waffles and/or pancakes several times a week. That has since dwindled to once a week. They haven't gotten sick of them yet, though...
Oh, I could have written this post.
Except, for us... it's about the 39th day of summer break.
So... yeah. I'm losing my mind...
lol! And it's only day 8. Have fun!
I know EXACTLY what you mean! Sheesh!
Amen and Hallelujah!
p.s. Can we also please ask the kids to refrain from sleeping in, eating breakfast at 11:15 a.m. and then asking for lunch at noon sharp? RIDICULOUS!
This is just like in your finer hotels!
Kids, lol! Maybe you could print a menu for the kitchen? Or not. :)
Cute. I need to learn that saying - the kitchen is closed!!!!!!!!!!!
I think there's a conspiracy going on.....because I've been getting that question every morning from my kids too. Nothing has changed, yet they act like it has. :)
Oh I feel every momma's pain right now, I really do. Thank goodness I don't have a youngun' asking me that question every morning... but I paid my dues, trust me!! ;)
That's a good breakfast menu :0)
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