I am putting my Wordful Wednesday post up early because in truth, it should be renamed "Tearful Tuesday."
My dog has a problem.
A serious problem.
She is addicted to leather shoes.
Lately her "crack" if you will has been Kate's ballet shoes.
Kate is 10 and as a 10 year old she tends to forget to put her "crack" up where the dog can't reach it.
Since September, Xena has destroyed 3 pairs of ballet shoes.

That equals around $105.00!

That will equal $140.00 when I go out and buy the 4th pair of ballet shoes.
All I can say is that 4th pair better make it past June 16th!
Or else!
So here is to my Tearful Tuesday which is really another addition of Wordful Wednesday!
seriously...makes me go nuts!
now that's one expensive crack habit!
I wonder if there is a 12 step program for your dog. Maybe Ceasar can help you get him past this VERY expensive addiction lol
I think you are going to have to have an intervention before this starts to get out of hand.
I would be tearful too. :)
For a split second I was wondering what the picture was of BUT then I realized its a dog. LOL.
oh no - that darn pooch!
Go to the thrift store and buy old leather shoes for her.. to keep her busy!!!
Okay first of all those are expensive shoes!! :::?? What!?
Silly dog!
I'm sorry, I had to sit here and giggle! Love those pics!
Almost every day I read some post that reminds me of why I don't have dogs!
I had to laugh, but seriously, what an expensive habit to have!
Yikes!!! Poor shoes! lol
oh no!! ss mama!!
my ww's:
oh no! i feel your pain. emmett eats EVEYTHING. EVERYTHING.
Woah, that is an expensive drug habit! ; ) I hope the new ones last...
Oh no!!!!!!!!!! Stop doggie, stop!!!!!!!
What a junkie!
You named her Xena? Very cool!
Bad dog!!
What a crack whore!
And I think perhaps the one who doesn't put her "crack" away should have to contribute to the new shoes! A little financial pain might help her to remember!
(I'm going to be one mean mom, aren't I?)
haha, our dogs should go to meeting together, because she ate the leather of the arms of my couch.
I'm so glad our dogs are pretty much past that point. However, when they weren't, it was underwear and WHATEVER was in the trash. We had to replace all of our trash cans with ones with lids to keep them out.
aww man - how frustrating!!! i would want to scream!!!
Oh my goodness!! I'd be tearful too! Hopefully this next pair will make it.
Ps, hope you join in on Sunday Citar tomorrow!!
Sounds like a tasty snack to me!
Luckily my girls don't chew anything they're not supposed to... but I had my fair share of losses when I owned a dalmatian for 12 years. Anything and everything was fair game. Shoes, socks, money, trash. I had to buy enclosed trash cans, and after he ate a $20 bill I left lying on a table, I finally learned my lesson and never, ever left money laying around again!
Great pics of Xena and her "crack"!!
OH OH! I think someone's dog is in BIG trouble!
oh that is just heart and wallet breaking.
Oh, no!!!! That's one expensive habit. :(
Hmmmmm...which should get into trouble the kid for not putting the crack away or the dog finding it? ;)
Poor ballet shoes and wallet!
I had forgotten how costly ballet shoes are. Your dog has expensive crack taste.
Oh no!!!! Not the ballet shoes!
Oh no!! that's not a good thing! Bad dog!
Hmmmmm...which should get into trouble the kid for not putting the crack away or the dog finding it? ;) Poor ballet shoes and wallet!
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