Do you have a name that is easy to recognize and spell? Or are you like my daughter and have a name that every time you say it the person you are speaking with says, "Excuse me?"
My daughters name is Reid, and for some reason the name doesn't seem to register with most people. I realize it is a surname, but it isn't like her name is Orangejello!
What really amuses us is when people pretend to hear her name and then proceed to misspell it. Here are just a few renditions; Reaha, Ritz (that's our favorite), Rita, Weed, Red, Rea, Teed, and Read (that is at least close).
Today however was a banner day! As my daughter reached for her Double Chocolaty Chip from Starbucks she squealed with delight. The Barista actually spelled her name right! A first!
It's the little things in life!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Weed? That's a classic!
My last name is Thornblad and it's been spelled wrong in my life more times than it has been spelled correctly (Thornbald, Thornbladder, Thornblast, Thornblat, Thornbird, Youngblood, Thornblack, Thronblaster -- were they really paying attention?)
Yeah, no one ever spells my name right either. It's the little things all right!
love it - I would not call that strange at all - maybe b/c I know a Reid (a man 0 but none the less) My friend 's name is Astrid and people just can NOT get that name ever - it annoys me more than her!
My name has certainly been a topic of conversation once or twice. (Merynne, sounds like Meh-rin) The spelling I've seen has been really fun) And of course, the wonderful Mommy that I am, I had to share that joy with my daughter:) We gave it to her as a middle name.
That is an unusual name but shouldn't cause a big problem once people have been told how to spell it! Some of the other names you printed were way off mark and how could any one seriously think a child would be called WEED!
Working in a school, I have some really difficult names to remember.
Great PSF!
My name is pretty common (Angela) but my maiden name, Rolfes was always funny to hear people try and pronounce. For the record, it's pronounced like Rawl-fuss. I went and married a guy with a very normal last name, so now I have no issues!
Even with an extremely common name as Mandy, people still mispell it. Mandi, Mandie, Mandee, Mandey, etc.
It's the little things in life (like someone spelling your name correctly) that make your day. :)
My daughter also has an uncommon name for our area. Ainsley. Noone ever gets it right. She is usually called Annsley. Even friends of ours call her Annsley and my grandad calles her Ashley, after 4 years of correcting them!
My best friend growing up was Danya. Not Dayna, but Dan-YA. No one ever said her name right, she was called Dayna a lot or Danielle, NEVER Danya. I think that I got more upset than she did when people mispronounced her name, or I was just more outgoing than her.
I so understand this post! My daughter's name is EmmaLece we get all sorts of pronunciations and spellings.
I have heard that name before and have always loved it!
Great photo!!! How great that they spelled her name right!! Yes, it is the little things that make us truly happy :)
I can imagine how frustrating this must be. I have always had a common name but I am noticing that people get Hayden's name wrong. They always think its Aiden.
mine gets spelled wrong a lot too. But Ritz that isn't even close.
no one ever remembers the "E"... or i get called "Annie"... apparently it's just the norm... you'd think people would "get it"
GREAT pic!
In my Mom's family, at least 15 girls have the traditional Norwegian version of "Karen" which is pronounced "Karr-inn." My parent chose to spell my sister's name "Kaaren" using the double aa's, and no one could ever figure out how to pronouce it, let alone spell it.
That is a good day. :)
I'm a "Kelli with an I". I've given up telling anyone so I'm constantly "Kelly", but when they ask it about spelling it makes me giddy. ;)
It's our last name that is always goofed up! It's fun to see what new thing people will come up with for Horrocks! :)
I am glad that someone spelled her name right! I think that is a pretty cool name! :)
I do have the same case with you daughter.
my name is SO not familiar, even for javanese or indonesian.
there are two common names sounds similar to mine here ini Indonesia: Ratri and Lastri.
I always need to say 'not Ra, but La' or 'Lastri, but without S'
that's why I prefer to write my name Latree. and when I introduce my name I would say 'La' instead of 'Latri' or they might think it's Lastri of Ratri again.
I love my name anyway :)
life's tough for kids when parents pick unpronouncable names! My daughter has one of those. Enjoy the moment. Hope you can stop by to view my photo hunt Thanks so much.
Ah yes....usually people only get the last few letters of my name wrong, but it doesn't bother me's tough as a kid though!
See....Starbucks really does ROCK! :-)
That's very cool. My daughter Rebekah deals with that, people act like it's an alien spelling. Drives me crazy. :-)
Great picture! Love the black and white. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Kinda like Michele with one "L".....Well, actually confusing Reid for Weed sounds worse.
It's a lovely name.
Yeah for Reid!
I am a Jill. Not Jillian, just Jill. People always assume it's Jillian. :)
Hahaha, first time for everything!! And what a pretty name, although I would probably be one of those people who misspell it... although I don't think I'd murder it like some of those!
I get a lot of Shawna, Shannon, Shandra, and Shoshana...
I have a friend that spells her name Michelle, with only one "l" and if it isn't spelled correctly... watch out!
Ritz? Now that is imaginitive!
oh yeas i can TOTALLY relate to this frustrating. i have had EVERY "(mis)spelling" and "sounds like" you can imagine...
it's H O double L double E uppercase A double N...all smooooshed together...don't drop the Ann and never call me Hollee unless we go waaaaaaay back or you are my niece or nephew and THEN make sure you add the Auntie...seriously, it's my name try not to get it twisted!
Reid has a lot of years ahead of her. get her use to correcting people now...i have found most people want to know so they won't be offended and the ones who do get offended don't matter.
I think Reid is a really cute's different and fun. I guess it's worth putting up with the hassles to have a cool name. And those Starbuck's people rock!
I can certainly sympathize. My first name isn't even hard to spell but there are so many variations I always have to. Don't even get me started on my last name. It's German, and no one gets it ;)
I've been called Sharon a few times... I can understand that, but I've been called Sheila so many times and that I don't understand! How do you get SHEILA from SHANNON???
My sister's middle name is Rian... pronounced like Ryan, just spelled with an "i". She gets asked how to pronounce it all the time... Rain? Ree-ann? Rin?
Oh geez. Weed? Ritz? People are so bizarre.
I love that photo, and that double chocolaty chip looks delicious :)
It is a great name....even if people can't seem to figure it out!
I can TOTALLY relate.
And, I'm pretty sure I would get Reid right:)
Sometimes it's amazing how easily people can screw names up (the spelling I mean!)
I've been Amanda, Maranda, Loranda, Maria, Marianna...
It IS the little things in life. People seem to have a hard time with my new last name, Garten. I get Gardner most of the time. *sigh*
I like that name a lot!!!!! I think I would have gotten it right.
Of course, Debbie is very common. My last name isn't and rarely do people pronounce it or spell it correctly.
I love her name.......too bad everyone is such a moron about it.
Oh yes, I can totally relate with you! I say we both change our names? :)
Yay for her! I bet that was an awesome feeling!
We've picked a name for the baby that I'm sure she's going to have to spell all her life but I just LOVE it too much! : )
I understand that feeling! But I'm at least happy if the person picks up that my name doesn't start with a V! Panera's the worst to me, because they ask me my name as I'm handing them my credit card. If you're not sure, just look at the name's right there!
I was just talking to my husband about that name. It's a pretty unfortunately one for all those kids who can't pronounce their /r/ sound. Which is a lot of the kids I work with!
I don't even bother telling the barista my 1st name. I just tell my last name. Much easier to spell. ;)
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