We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather on Easter Sunday. Knowing the day would be nice (because it is always beautiful when my Dad has us over for lunch), Dad heated the pool and fired up the Jacuzzi so that everyone (the girls) could go swimming after we ate lunch.
The girls had an egg hunt before jumping in the pool (with all of the plastic eggs). I was taking pictures of the girls jumping from the upper ledge of the pool when someone (my mom) suggested we throw eggs at the girls for them to try to catch.
(click on any picture to see larger)

I must have asked Reid to flip her a billion times in order to get one good shot. Her hair really isn't that red or two toned. Just highly edited on the color.

too much fun - too cold here for swimming yet! We had turkey and stuffing too!
What fun! That lunch looks delicious!
We had turkey too! I love that your girls were able to swim....gotta love Southern Cal weather!
LOL..what cool action shots!!!!
My family is always telling me to put my camera away! They say, "Is this for your blog???"
Love the photographer!!!!! So great is the skill. Wow. Photo perfect Easter.
My Wordful is posted about the day I had yesterday...come by if you can find some time in your busy routine!! Happy Wednesday.
Do I ever come over here and not completely love your post? No, the answer is no. I love it here.
I'm a little envious that you guys were able to swim on Easter....
the pictures are GREAT!!! I am so jealous it was warm enough to swim...and that food looks awesome!
Lovin the easter egg pic!
that looks like fun. love the shot of your daughter's hair!
Looks like a wonderful, wonderful day--and I love the egg toss!
So jealous of your warm weather and the pool.
Looks like a fun day!
Funny what your family said about the blogging... I'm starting to get those comments here. LOL.
What a great Easter Sunday, to go swimming in the pool, and a jacuzzi too! Wow, I'm so jealous of all the lucky souls who live in California (my sister and brother included)...
Great photos, as usual. Throwing the eggs at them as they jumped in the pool, well, that sounds like a fun idea. :-)
Great pictures, I love the egg toss one! My family is constantly telling me to stop taking pictures for the blog too :-)
What a great capture that picture is. My camera is so slow that it is hard to take a great action shot like that.
Looks like lots of fun!
I am totally jealous that you all can swim on Easter! We wore our winter coats to hunt eggs here in WV. Love the action shots! The food looks great too!
Well, you just posted the main reason I miss California weather....swimming in April! We are snowing here, I want Spring weather!
Liar, liar (about the picture!) HA!
Cool pics in the pool. Love the plastic eggs going in the pool too - so much fun.
Happy Easter!
Sounds like a great way to spend Easter - or any weekend for that matter! We had turkey too but no swimming pools...
I loved this and I have told you that your pictures ROCK! I could so just take a fork and eat that food. ;)
those 1st two shots are fantastic!
Oh you did have an awesome Easter with plenty of fun and good food!
I'm so jealous you can use your pool....we won't be opening ours for another 2 months! Loved the hair flipping photo...nice shot!
I love that first pictures - looks like she's about ready to get pelted with eggs. LOL!
And nummy....that's some gourmet food you had to eat!! Mmmmm.
You have been getting some great shots lately!! Great job!
What a great way to spend Easter Sunday. We didn't have a pool but the boys got to use the slip n slide. The food looks yummy and I got the same remark where I was, I didn't take a pic of the food. But my daughter immediately reacted saying what no pictures of the food? :) Their just jealous!! :)
LOVE that hair flip! Lunch looks divine too!
So glad you admitted to having her flip her hair more than once.
You are so cool
That looks like so much fun...and the toss makes for great photos!
Awesome photos! I love the catching the eggs in the pool! You captured it perfectly! Best Easter photo post ever!
Wow! Those are some amazing action shots. And bathing suits on Easter?
And drooling over that lovely plate of food.
You just HAVE to rub my face in it, don't you?
(I'm heading down to Southern Cal in about 3 weeks!)
I love that flip shot -- it was worth the effort!
Oh my gosh I am so jealous of your sunshine! :D Really great photos, and that does look delicious!
hopefully the eggs didn't hurt her but WOW what a great shot!
Did she really jump in the pool. It is warm here...but not THAT warm! Brrrrrrr
Please tell me you heat your pool? Dinner looks delicious. Happy Late Easter. As usual, amazing photos.
haha, we've hunted eggs in the snow. We never got to swim on Easter.
I can't imagine swimming on Easter Sunday. Mind you it was around 70 here, but the water was still in the 50s (and probably full of leaves and fall muck). And no wonder you took a food shot. My mouth is watering!
Now that looks like fun! Gotta admit, just a wee bit jealous over here in Michigan. We can barely make it into 60 degree days without the cold artic wind making our days chilly. Ugh... common' Summer...
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