If you were too look at my heart, this is what it would look like.

They are my sunshine!

They crack me up on a daily basis.
Reid makes me laugh by making up new lyrics to her favorite songs. One of her current creations is to the Kan Ye West song "Heartless". The new twist is all about two parents that wouldn't get their 13 year old texting. "How could we be so heartless."
Kate has an incredible quick wit. The other day I walked by her room and saw her laying on her bed, phone in hand, making a call.
I asked, "Who are you calling?"
Kate's response, "Child Protective Services."
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lol. child protective services. Good one Kate!!!!!!
That is hilarious! Both are so funny. I'd love to hear Reid's rendition of Kanye's song. My little Lincoln loves that song too. He starts bouncing everytime its on.
And Kate? She is too much! Funny!
what beautiful girls!!!
LOL! I hope my boys have that kind of playful attitude with me as they get older!
I can totally see why they are your heart.
CPS, lol! I love your girls and their wittiness!
It's the quick witted ones that scare me the most!
Haha. She sounds fun. And the picture is beautiful.
haha, that is hilarious. I love the quick comebacks.
that is too funny!! i love a quick wit!!!
awwwwwwww they are so beautiful!!!!
they are beautiful, that is a wonderful picture!
funny! well, you have a gorgeous two-part heart!
They are just gorgeous!!!! Tell them that you've already called CPS and they've documented that every parenting technique you do is just fine with them and you maybe should be even stricter.
That is too funny :)
I adore that photo of them. Just beautiful.
how did I miss this ??
She is funny!! Perhaps blogging will be in her future!
Love the photos! : )
*LOL* Love it.
They are two beautiful young ladies.
Gorgeous AND funny! What a great couple of girls you have. LOL at both of them!
I LOVE Kate's wit. I'm still laughing. Such gorgeous girls you have! :)
LOL I love a kid with a sarcastic sense of humor. It shows how smart they really are. I think you can only be funny like that if you're really bright. She must be a blast to be around. My daughter is like that too...always making me laugh with some quick comeback.
Oh my, that Kate sure has the wit, doesn't she? My sister was blessed with a quick wit, me, not so much. I think of something great to say a day later...
I can see why they are your sunshine... besides being so funny, they are both beautiful. ;)
Very cute and beautiful girls!
Thanks for popping in to say hi to us!
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