The prompt for Kat's writers workshop that I am going to tackle this week is, "Normal is....."
So without further ado........
- Normal is being cranky for no reason at all.
- Normal is Reid saying, "I LOVE this song," to every song that comes on the radio.
- Normal is the pooch of fat sitting on my belly. {curses belly fat}
- Normal is Friday night dinner at moms house.
- Normal is wanting to kick the cat in her furry ass for scratching the sofa.
- Normal is blue eyes and a freckled nose.
- Normal is getting older.
- Normal is my camera near by.
- Normal is my constant and unconditional love for my girls.
- Normal is my future Grandchildren never inheriting anything old because I watch Oprah and Oprah says that I should simplify my life and get rid of my crap.

- Normal is wanting to hold on to the crap for those just in case moments.
- Normal is telling yourself that if you haven't needed the crap in the past 10 years then you probably won't ever need it!
Last but not least.......Normal is the writers workshop over at Mama's Losin it.
Won't you come and play.....all the Normal bloggers are.
Awesome post! I must be normal because alot of the things you posted are me to a "T"!!
I love it! And not just because I related to almost every single one!
Great job with this prompt!
I love this post!! You are so normal! And fabulous at the same time! :)
Great post!! I struggle with all the crap all the time....what if its worth something on ebay someday....
Oh, this was a good one!!
i guess i'm pretty normal! hehe. i thought i was reading my own post for a second.
LOL love the post! I have a whole garage full of crap I haven't needed in ten years. I have no desire to sort through it all though and actually get rid of it. :)
I love how you formatted your post!
Man, my kids and grandkids will inherit some crazy stuff for sure! I sure hope they like rainbows! And I must say, Reid and I are alike. We do the same thing with songs :)
I can relate! I have closets full of crap!
Darn! I knew there was a reason I keep getting older. Normalcy has a lot to answer for.
Sounds totally normal to me!! :)
Oh I really like this. You did a great job! Just like normal. ;)
Thanks for visiting me! I love reading all your writers workshop posts, I am soooo not a writer and the thought of doing something like this scares me! But way to go for you!!! I love your other blog with the picture of the day, very neat pics!(the house one cracked me up!)
I, too, feel a need to hang onto all of my 'crap'. If I could just get this concept down...
My little girl always says that everything is her 'favorite'. Way too cute. :)
I loved it!!!
I finally have my car in my garage because of Clean House and my hubby watching it one day.
That was great:) Nice Blog.
Oprah is right. Get rid of the crap. Of course saying and doing are 2 different things.
You're right about the probably don't even know what they are these days! :-)
By the way, I LOVE your blog's banner!
Hmm, you got that pouch of fat on your belly too, eh? I curse it and give it a good occasional slap for I am cursed with it.
As for an abundance of junk, I try and do an okay job at not holding on to too much. One great way of looking at it is, out of sight out of mind. If you happen to get rid of it, I doubt you'd miss it.
I'm jealous of your normal dinners at your moms. I sure wish that was normal for me. I miss her cooking but she lives 3000 miles away and thats a looong way to go for dinner!
It all looks normal to me...Love it!
I completely love your normal and apart from the blue eyes and freckles, this could be me! You're terrific!
I hope craving cheese-steaks and wings is normal ...
I love my crap, Michelle. I can't help it...
You had me laughing pretty hard when I read about your poor future grandchildren. :) Maybe I need to use that excuse to start being a pack rat. I have gotten into the habit of getting rid of things and simplifying, mostly because we move, but I'm a pack rat at heart. I love crap!
If normal is being cranky for no reason, then my hubs will say I am the MOST normal person in the world.
Loved this post! My normal sounds ALOT like you normal:)
Dinner and moms? what a lucky girl you are!
Michelle, you need to save that junk so you can re invent it! I would be spray painting those lamps and recovering the shades:) What other goodies did you dump?
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