As a young adult I found inspiration in the pages of Sunset Magazine. It was my guide to how to become a successful adult.
Sunset Magazine was going to teach me how to effortlessly serve up wonderful meals. To hold casual dinner parties on our beautiful multi tiered deck, surrounded by our gorgeous garden, while we sipped the best wine that California had to offer.
Yes, my dream was to live the good Western life depicted on the pages of Sunset magazine.

The first cookbook I ever purchased was this 1990 Annual edition of Sunset recipes. It's old, stained and well loved. Our favorite recipe from this book is without a doubt, the Cream of Broccoli Soup. It is also the only part of the Sunset life that I have accomplished.

I never achieved the ability to serve up casual dinner parties (entertaining intimidates me), we still don't have that beautiful multi tiered deck (but we do talk about putting one in), my yard only looks good because we paid to have someone else create it (it lives despite me) and I never drink wine (it makes me sick).
Each time I pull out my 1990 edition of Sunset recipes it reminds me of a time when I wished for such things and it makes me feel young again.
Well, I'm 41, so technically I'm still young-ish........but I think you know what a mean? Who knows, maybe someday we will live the life depicted in the pages of a magazine.
I'm now imagining Jim and I old and wrinkled, sitting on that deck with our gray haired friends, drinking well aged prune juice...........
Join Angie over at Seven clown circus for more Wordful Wednesday posts!
LOL..great post!!! That's like me. I buy cookbooks but only use a handful of the recipes, if that!
Geez, I'm with you on that one. I have cookbooks I haven't ever used.
Now you make me want to try that cream of broccoli soup!
I tellya....that is one of my favorite soups. And just reading this takes me back years ago when I was all 'into cookbooks'...Now, I'm in a deep rut where I'll never see daylight, I cook over and over the same of our favorites. All the time. I need to retrieve my cookbooks in the cupboard. You're an inspiration.
My Wordful this week is all about the birds and bees...errrr, um....maybe birds and cats. Is it Superman in the sky? Come find out.
ewww. NOT prune juice!!
My "first" grown-up cookbook was the Joy of Cooking, in 1990 before I got married. I did use it, some, but, well, it didn't really prove to be my style, either...
I love being my age. Reality has turned out pretty well so far...
Blessings friend!!
It is so true, cookbooks hold so much more than just recipes. This is why I love them.
I feel the same way about the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook.
I still feel that way!
It's funny how you never turn out who you thought you "wanted" to be...
I think the secret is to use the cookbooks & lifestyle mags as an inspirational diving board: climb up there & see their views, but then leap out with our own twists. And we're all allowed to give ourselves a perfect score, ESPECIALLY adjusting for the difficulty rating....
I'm so sorry wine makes you sick (bummer!) and you DO NOT have to let your dream die. You CAN still do it.
That soup looks good! : )
Mmmm... wella aged prune juice... love it!
My fave cookbook is the Red and white checker Better homes one.
It's spilled on, torn pages are a wonder!
How funny that the little cookbook holds so many memories for you!
I must be in the minority. I love my cookbooks and I use them all the time:-)
Ah, I well remember all the books and magazines I read in my younger days, and how I tried to imitate and have a beautiful house. Doesn't translate well into reality, with kid(s) and dogs and cats.
These days, I'm into a clean house but I'm more realistic as far as busting my butt to make it sparkle. Ain't gonna happen with 3 dogs and a husband. ;-)
And ehw, prune juice. ACK!
What cute memories! :)
Hahahahaha, I love this!! Your depiction is great.... amazing what we dream of when younger and how it changes with life! Sounds like a great recipe book, and I'd love to pay someone to make my yard look nice, it definitely needs it!
I don't know about you but prune juice is not what I am looking forward to in my old(er) age.
Have a great day!
I'll bet that soup is good!
I, too, get intimidated by entertaining. I'm throwing a baby shower for my sister next month. I sure do hope it's her last! :)
Hey -- we're the same age! Cool! No wonder so much of what you write resonates with me -- especially when you reminisce about the past.
My parents has a few issues of this and I know just what you mean! I'm not in a Sunset world either -- some day, my friend, some day.
I'm with you! All my cookbooks have only gotten a once-glance overview! must be tough living with the stress of trying to be like the people in that magazine. For me...the only thing I aspire not falling down.
Isn't it funny how you expect your life to be when you are young? My life hasn't turned out the way I would have planned, but I love it!
Ah, I'm so glad I'm not alone. Entertaining intimidated me as well. And I can barely handle a few sips of wine.
I love that cookbook, I had never heard of it.
I love Sunset too (in fact, I'll be giving away a few copies in an upcoming contest, ssshhh!) You've still got plenty of time to live the life of your dreams, though I bet the life you have is better than the one you imagined for yourself anyway, right?!
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