Finding your balance and having a plan while visiting the tide pools is very important.

You must map out your every move.

You must test every rock for it's stability and slipperiness.
And you must make sure not to step on anything that you can hurt or can hurt you!
What does all of this mean for a picture taking mom?

It means loads of pictures of you in unnatural poses!
But that's okay, because it is pictures like this that tell a story.
balance is everything. in life as in all things we do. Great pictures
Hmmm, I'm not sure which I'm more jealous of, the pictures you've taken or the place you were at! Great job.
Oh, those are great! And, the do tell a great story!
I long for the days of having fun at the beach.
Great pics! are so making me so jealous. My wife and I really want to hit the beach, but it's so tough to go. Those are awesome pics!!
Great pictures...totally makes me long for the beach!!
Those poses really do tell the story.
And still I sit here...stewing in my jealousy.
Oh how I long for the weather that allows us to visit the tide shorts no less...oh for warmth and salt water.
Amazing pictures. I really love the coloring of the last picture. And I am trying to figure out exactly what you were doing to get the first pic!!
Great shots... the objects of focus are so different. And that reminds me it is a long time since i had been to a beach.
Great pictures! I love the ones where you focus just on the feet.
What wonderful pictures! Love them and the words you paired them with.
Thanks so much for coming by my blog...I'll be back to yours! :)
I love tidepool pics. Great job mom!
Love those pictures! It must be so nice to live so close to the beach.
So pretty! I love the light in the last photo.
Yay, fabulous story and photos! I love the last one a lot. Frame it and hang it!
Awesome post and pictures - definitely framers.
Those are winner shots. I love it!
Those are some great photos. Love them.
Love that third pic! Looks like such a fun place ;)
Those are really great pictures. Love the third one!
I love those pictures especially the last one! The colors and lighting are great!
Cool place, where is that?
keeping the balance in the photos is another thing to keep an eye on too ;-)
Different perspective but great idea and photos :-)
I wanna do that! Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you'll come back :)
I wanna go there! That looks like fun. And I love the coloring of that last photo - very nice!
Sounds and looks like lots of fun!!
Great pictures...especially the last one...looks so "classic".
Oh you nailed it. Balance is that thing we all strive for SOOOO MUCH!
That last picture is awesome! I want to be there right now. Right now. Seriously. WOW.
What a fun way to spend the day! I used to love checking out the tide pools at science camp when I was a little girl. Must be fun to have that in your "backyard" :)
and a lovely story
Oh my gosh, is this REALLY a typical afternoon in Southern Cal?
I love that third photo.. almost a Technicolor effect. Very grainy. Beautiful image!
I am so are my favorite, but don't tell your sibs.
Great pics!
There would be tons of pics of me in "unnatural poses"... I have no sense of balance at all!
great post! Love the feet on rocks pix. Balance is very important in life as in navigating slippery rocks!
I don't think they were too worried about mom. :) But that's cool - looks like you all had a great day!
Great shots. Did you add effects to the last one? Really nice light.
Great story! Love the photos -- as always. And that looks like so much fun -- but slippery!
I love this and your photos. Wonderful as always!
Great photos! And you are so correct about the balance.
I want to go to a tidepool now!
great pics!
Thank you for visiting and commenting on my psf. I am a little behind this week-but I just love these photos-they are creative and have gorgeous coloring. :-)
Oh, good! I was afraid you were going to say it resulted in a smashed-up camera! Great shots.
Seriously cool. What a neat place.
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