Writing assignments are being handed out over at Kat's blog, Mama's Losin It. I look forward to this bloggy carnival (is that what we call them?) every week.
This week I have something to say about each and every prompt!
And a way we go........
1.) If you were starring on American Idol TONIGHT and HAD to sing, what song would you choose and why.
If I were to sing something on idol it would have to be something from the 1980's. Why the 80's you ask? Well, no matter how hard I try, I can not remember lyrics to songs anymore. But the minute I hear an old 80's tune I can remember every single word.
I don't know about all of you, but my brain is quickly filling to capacity! So, should I start singing Mad Mad World by Tears for Fears for ya??
2.) Take a picture of yourself right this minute without primping and explain to us why it is you have not washed your hair today.
Bahahahaha.........are you kidding me with this one? No matter what time of day.......I always look like this when I am reading your blogs!

Whoops, on closer inspection it looks like I forgot to apply make-up to my right eye. So if you want to see what I look like without eye make-up just cover the left side of my face with your hand and whala!
All right, all right, I'll stop being vain and show you what I looked like Wednesday morning wearing my scuzzy Old Navy fleece pull over, wet hair and no make-up on both eyes.

Sharing is so much fun!
3.) "What do you think about the NBA All Star game"...blech.
The NBA All Star game is on?
4.) What's your number one pet peeve?
Here is a blogging pet peeve. Why is it that grammatical errors only jump out at you after you hit PUBLISH???
5.) Write about something mean you did to a sibling growing up.
One time I convinced my younger brother that it was OK to drink the water running down the gutter. Is that mean enough for you??
{For the record.....I have gone back and edited this post 5 times since publishing it}
OMGosh! These were all fantastic answers and had me laughing :) (out loud at 2am! haha)
I wouldn't have noticed your eye without you mentioning it :)
Love the itty bitty picture!
Oh I edit at LEAST ten times per post. But I'm kind of psycho like that...sounds like you are too. I don't do it to other people's posts though. If they want to sound like fourth graders than so be it. ;)
I always see mistakes and sometimes I correct them and sometimes i just let it ride....
hee hee! I always go back and edit about 5 times within the first minute...then I try to take a deep breath...: )
and I LOVE the teeny tiny picture...gorgeous, really! I think! : )
You are so right about the grammatical errors. I even miss the red spelling underlining sometimes. How I don't know.
... and does your brother still suffer flashbacks, Michelle? !!!!!
"Sharing is so much fun"
Would have never noticed the makeup!
You hit it on the nose about the grammar and spelling errors. And the songs? Better make it the sixties/seventies if you want me to have a chance.
LOL... at every one. I can sing every oldies song but anything modern is a no go.
I keep re-editing my post too.
{Came over from Mama Kat's Workshop} :)
I always make my boyfriend proofread my entries straight after I post them!
And sharing is fun... You look great in both photos. :)
Isn't that SO annoying about the spelling/grammar errors? Makes me CRAZY!!! (Oh, and there's an all star game? huh? ;))
I hate that about the editing and finding errors later. I've even found them a week later and then I feel like such a fool.
I usually read my posts like ten times before publishing and still make grammatical errors! It drives me crazy too!
I still love the 80's music, too.
I'm with you on the errors. I find more everyday on old posts and wonder what the heck I was thinking.
Oh, I hate it when I see 100 errors in spelling and grammar....after I've already reread it and published!! Why? Why?
BTW- cute pic...you look great without make-up on!!
OMG - Tears for Fears is one of my favorites. Seriously, I have all their albums! I think we're a lot alike - you like Gwen, too:)
And you look gorgeous in the photo - loving the black and white...
EWW gutter water?
I hate it when I have read my post recorrected it at leats 3 or 4 times spellchecked and everything then hubs is reading it that night and says um yea this is wrong-crap you mean everyone now thinks I have no clue how to type or spell?
Great answers!! And I love the grammar one! I know I ONLY catch them after I hit publish too!
I so know what you mean, I publish then there are errors that weren't there. I think that the publish button causes errors. In fact I am pretty sure.
LOL, over the publishing and errors. I will read my draft over a hundred times, think it is sounding great, getting ready to push the publish button, and in walks my 15 year old. She is in Honors English, and can always find at least one mistake. I am to the point I am afraid to post without her approval first. Yikes!
Hmmm... stamp-sized photo! Genius!!! I need to use that nifty little trick sometime when I ever decide to post pictures of myself lounging around in a t-shirt and sweats with my unwashed hair in a ponytail.
Um, or not!
Great full-size pic, btw. One eye made up or not. :)
You are right about the blogging pet peeves. I would say readers are basically forgiving. Thank God. :)
I know what you mean on the blogging pet peeves!!
Visiting from Mama Kats
I know what you mean on the blogging pet peeves!!
Visiting from Mama Kats
amen to the bloggy errors. I hit that stupid little pencil a dozen times.
I got my nephew to eat a spoonful of Crisco.
great post.
LOVE HOW U MINIMIZED the scuzzy shot! haaaa haa!
I think a little screen should pop up that asks me if I'm sure I'm ready to publish...maybe a little 'How about one more look?' lol I just love that picture of you :) I totally would not have seen that one eye was undone if you hadn't told me! :D
Oh LOL! Gutter water! Gross!
These were great? My favorite word this entire post? BLECH!
And gutter water? Blech!
I can't believe he drank sewer water!
Oh those were so funny! I keep forgetting to do this one Thursday's I have been wanting to and just forget. That's my memory for ya. I am going to have to remember next week. Great job!
If I were to do a Tears For Fears song, it would probably be Sowing the Seeds of Love. I think I know most of the lyrics to that one.
I LOVE this post! You had me laughing...especially at the teeny tiny picture of you looking "not so primped" ....And If I looked as good as you I'd post a picture of myself on my blog every dang day!
I share that pet peeve ... also when I realize I left out key words... leaving cryptic, half-finished comments is my specialty!
Love your response to the photo one!
Oh, Mad World. I love that song, especially the Gary Jules version they play in Donnie Darko.
i love the donnie darko version of mad mad world.
pet peeve: I make my husband read my blog so he can catch my spelling/grammar mistakes. he is my un-paid editor.
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