Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
I have no idea what kind of tree this is, but I call them snow trees.
There transformation from a regular green leafed tree into a winter wonderland of white blooms is a sight to behold.

The fallen blooms remind me of what it looks like when winter is ending and spring is starting. Just like the last remnants of melting snow.
This is our Southern California version of snow!
Gee...it's SOOOO much prettier than the New England version. You Californians have got something going there lol
I've got some snow for you...
I think it looks like a popcorn tree, personally.
That's really pretty!
I think I like that so much better than the snow we have experienced lately.
i would so much rather have that kind of snow than what we've been getting here! (detroit)
right now, i don't like you...sorry, i had a moment of "i hate the winter snow and if it doesn't go away, i might hurt someone". ok, all better. lovely flowers!
You want me to send you some REAL snow? I've got some to spare. :-)
It all looks so pretty! I prefer that kind of snow too! Thank goodness it doesn't snow much in the south! :)
We always called them snowball trees. What I wouldn't give for one of those right now!
It totally looks like snow on that last photo! Great eye!
I always called them Cherry Blossoms. But really, I have no idea. We have gorgeous "pink snow" tree here. But it doesn't snow until May!!!
Jealous! Love YOUR version of snow! :D
Oooooh! Pretty! And I love the perspective in your shots. Nice!
I think the tree belongs to the pear family. Always a favorite of mine. It just sings out SPRING! Here in No. Cal. we're still enjoying snow that comes then goes then returns then goes. It is VERY well behaved and fun. : D
The Spring is starting to show her colors!
I love it! It reminds me of the pear trees that "snow" here in the south!
What ever it is, it is really pretty. I wouldn't mind that kind of snow at all.
how gorgeous is that! and THAT is my kinda snow too! (which is why I'm an Southern Az girl)
Looks like a pear tree of some kind. We had bradford pears in our yard growing up...so beautiful, in spring, summer, and fall!
Wow, such a pretty tree! I've no idea what kind they are but I have seen them here too. Both great photos, the last one does look like snow!
Beautiful pictures! It makes me itch all the more for Spring!
It's by far my favorite kind of snow! :) I've only seen a few trees in bloom though........better keep my eyes open before the "snow" is gone! :)
it's beautiful. and much warmer than the real thing, i imagine :)
We have had our fill of snow here! I like this version much better:0)
Beautiful! I think I would prefer that snow to the cold wet stuff that graces the ground round here!
Oh I wish I had that version!
Gorgeous...and I can only ditto the others when I say it is def. preferable to the cold & wet stuff!
now that is some snow that I can get on board with.
I remember when it would frost or just flurry and school would be cancelled. I'll show you REAL snow!!
I bet that was amazing?! I love the perspective on that last shot, very niiiice!
That's one of my favorite things about Cali - the foliage. The trees and flowers are always so pretty!
Hah, I like your version of snow!!!!!
I think I would like that snow so much better!!
Thanks for visiting my PSF
I think I have some of those trees in my year here in NJ (of course, they are BARE right now!)
Looks so pretty in S Cal!
Oh that is just beautiful!!! I does look a little like snow. Although, with all the snow we got up in the frozen tundra that is Michigan, I'm ready to NOT see any more snow.
Gorgeous pictures! That's more snow than we get here in the Pond!
Beautiful pics! Trees are starting to bloom here, too, and it seems so strange since February isn't over and it's been in the low 50s the past few days. I'm a winter girl, so to an extent it makes me sad, because it's a sign that it's almost over....
I remember these "snow" trees in southern CA. Beautiful.
hmmmm, I wonder if you could make a snowman outta those petals. :) Beautiful blossoms!
so pretty michelle! love the angle on the last one
Forgot to mention in my last post, If you haven’t already, make sure to visit my giveaway!
Those are absolutely gorgeous! I wish we'd get a peek of spring too. But, we just used our snowblower today. :(
I think it's a Bradford Pear tree... we have a lot of those around here. And I agree... that's the only kind of "snow" I'd want to have, LOL!
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